A California frog may be about to get room to stretch its red legs
Errors by a former federal official took land from the red-legged frog, a threatened species. Now an agency wants to rectify that.

September 16, 2008
Bill Anderson grew nearly 11,000 tomatoes last year. He isn't alone in his obsession. >>

Yellowstone snowmobile plan halted >>

Initially skeptical, they find they like the cars' thriftiness and even roominess, and say their customers do too. >>

September 15, 2008
Americans love their electronics, but all those TVs, computers, phones and DVD players suck up energy and end up clogging landfills. How can you stay plugged in while minimizing the effect on the environment? >>

September 14, 2008
Innovations in designing green chemicals are emerging in nearly every U.S. industry, from plastics and pesticides to toys and nail polish. >>

The solvents used at L.A.'s Nelson Nameplate Co. were harmful to workers, neighbors and the environment. So the company's co-president found a safe substitute. >>

September 13, 2008
The Federal Maritime Commission releases a nine-page request for information that could push back the program's planned Oct. 1 start date. >>

September 12, 2008
Urban planners re-imagine the city's concrete connectors as community oases, replacing trash and crime with trees, grass and swing sets -- and civic leaders are paying attention. >>

The flight headed for San Francisco will use new technologies and procedures through a Federal Aviation Administration initiative. >>

Scientists have planted 15 green contraptions throughout Orange County's Irvine Ranch Conservancy to entice a declining population of the birds. >>

She says the new fees for Long Beach, L.A. and Oakland ports would harm the economies of Alaska and California. >>

September 11, 2008
Tree-sitters are grounded after a failed fight to stop a proposed athletic center, but that isn't the only contentious issue. >>

September 10, 2008
Four men come down from a redwood after reaching an agreement to end the long-running protest. Campus police Chief Victoria Harrison negotiated with them while dangling in a basket lifted by a crane. >>

Such roofs and reflective pavement in the world's 100 largest cities would have a massive cooling effect, according to data released at California's annual Climate Change Research Conference. >>

His choice of Sarah Palin as a running mate and new support for offshore oil drilling could undercut any standing on the issue he earned with his bipartisan proposal to limit greenhouse gas emissions. >>

Groups contend that the Forest Service's shrinking of the threatened species list from about 60 to 13 is an attempt to boost logging in the Sierra Nevada. >>

Despite county supervisors' recent vote supporting expanded oil drilling, the city, which has opposed more drilling since the infamous 1969 spill, stands firm. >>

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Geoffrey Mohan, environment editor

Los Angeles Times
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