
U.S. Department of Agriculture

Departmental Administration

Human Resources Management

Safety Health and Employee Welfare Division

Need help in coding injury/illness claims forms???

It is IMPORTANT that accurate codes are used when completing these forms. This information becomes the basis for the USDA accident database. Safety and occupational health specialists use this data to identify and prevent injuries. Never use "Other" codes. Always select the code which best describes the incident / injury. Click on the address below to access this web page:

Appendix B, OWCP Injury / Illness Type and Source Codes

Still have questions?? Try the link for USDA Workers' Compensation Program or contact your agency's OWCP Manager.

You can visit the Department of Labor, Office of Workers' Compensation Programs' web page by clicking here.

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Send email to:ELLA.MCKOY@usda.gov

LAST UPDATE: 05/09/00