NFIB: The Voice of Small Business

The National Federation of Independent Business is the nation's leading small business association, with offices in Washington, D.C., and all 50 state capitals. NFIB's powerful network of grassroots activists send their views directly to state and federal lawmakers through our unique member-only ballot, thus playing a critical role in supporting America's free enterprise system.
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Dealing With Ike's Aftermath
Small businesses across Texas and the Gulf Coast are now dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Ike's effects. NFIB is concerned about its members in the storm's path.

Arrow Black Hurricane assistance information especially for small business

Solutions Start Here
When healthcare is fixed for small business, it's fixed for America.

The latest in the fight for healthcare reform:
Arrow BlackNFIB to Host Healthcare Forum
Arrow BlackNFIB Commends Representatives for Introducing Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) Act

NFIB President Todd Stottlemyer on the Healthcare Crisis
Part One | Part Two
Arrow Black Watch NFIB President Todd Stottlemyer's interview with the Kaiser Family Foundation about the healthcare debate.

Recently in NFIB's fight for healthcare reform: A series of advertisements urging policymakers to deliver real and meaningful healthcare reform for small business.

Arrow BlackSolutions Start Here print ad (233 KB, PDF)
Arrow BlackSolutions Start Here radio ad (940 KB, mp3)

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