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U.S. Office of Personnel Management - Ensuring the Federal Government has an effective civilian workforce

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February 15, 2002

Contact: Chad Cowan
(202) 606-2824

Dan Blair Confirmed by the Senate as Deputy Director of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management

Washington, D.C. -- The United States Senate, by unanimous voice vote, has confirmed Dan G. Blair to be Deputy Director of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management.

Blair, who served as Senior Counsel to Senator Fred Thompson (R-TN) on the United States Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs, was nominated by President George Bush on December 20, 2001. As Deputy Director of OPM, Blair will advise OPM Director Kay Coles James on human resources issues for the nation's 1.8 million federal employees.

Upon hearing the news of the Senate's vote on Blair, Director James voiced her strong enthusiasm for Blair's confirmation. "Dan is a superb choice for this position," she said. "I have a great deal of respect for his expertise and knowledge of both the Congressional process and of civil service issues in general - expertise that will make him a valuable part of our team. He has a wealth of experience and passion for the important opportunities facing the nation today."

"I am ready to begin the important work that lies ahead," said Blair. "Now more than ever it is important that we focus on creating a nimble, efficient, well functioning government. To accomplish this, it will take a commitment to excellence and a willingness to work hard. Director James is committed to improving government by bringing in the best and the brightest into our government and I am ready to help her achieve this."

Mr. Blair, no stranger to reforming the way government agencies work, served as a senior staff member on both House and Senate committees charged with civil service oversight. As Senior Counsel for the Senate Governmental Affairs committee, Mr. Blair helped develop a long term care insurance program for federal employees and the uniformed services and reforms for the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program and life insurance programs.

Prior to joining the Committee on Governmental Affairs, Mr. Blair served as Staff Director for the House of Representatives Subcommittee on the Postal Service. In this position, he directed the development of comprehensive postal reform legislation.

Born and raised in Joplin, Missouri, Mr. Blair received a Bachelors of Journalism and his Juris Doctorate from the University of Missouri-Columbia. He and his wife, Michele, reside in Washington, D.C.


OPM oversees the federal work force and provides the American public with up-to-date employment information. OPM also supports U.S. agencies with personnel services and policy leadership including staffing tools, guidance on labor-management relations and programs to improve work force performance.

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