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News Release

December 9, 2005

Contact: Brenda Bertrand

OPM Announces Human Resources Workforce Conference for Federal Human Resources Professionals and Managers

Washington, D.C. - The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has announced its 2006 Federal Workforce Conference, Transformation for Results, February 27- March 2, 2006 to be held at the Baltimore Convention Center in Baltimore, Maryland.The annual event will feature four days of sessions and seminars focused on the major issues and initiatives facing federal managers responsible for any aspect of human capital management. 

Michael Beckmann, Acting Deputy Associate Director, Center for Leadership Capacity Services, OPM said, "This conference will address the key challenges federal human resources managers face today, including a greater focus on accountability, increased competition for talent, and changing worker values and expectations.  Our objective is to help our HR professionals prepare for a shift in roles that requires them to operate with fewer rules and greater responsibility for results."

This year's conference offers new and expanded sessions including four focused forums which will run concurrently:

1. The Power of Benefits will focus on employee benefits that are currently available and new directions for the future;

2. Leadership for Transforming Organizations will educate attendees on the latest leadership practices and model leadership development programs in the federal government;

3. Practical Strategies for Human Capital Management will showcase solutions implemented in government agencies that are maximizing the power of strategic human capital management and helping agencies meet mission objectives; and,

4. Background Investigations: Securing Your Agency's Future will discuss the latest in policy, products, and automation initiatives available to facilitate efficient and timely investigations.  New products such as the phased periodic reinvestigation and credit scoring will also be highlighted. 

General Sessions will include topics such as Government Transformation, Performance Management - building high performance organizations, From Vets to the Nets - Leading across Generations, A Futuristic Look at Human Resources. 

Last year's OPM Workforce Conference attracted over 1,900 attendees from 68 agencies and 43 states.

For additional information, visit http://apps.opm.gov/conference/.

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Our mission is to ensure the Federal Government has an effective civilian workforce. OPM supports U.S. agencies with personnel services and policy leadership including staffing tools, guidance on labor-management relations and programs to improve work force performance.

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