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May 19, 1999
CONTACT: Ivonne Cuñarro
(202) 606-2402

Director Lachance Announces OPMs Y2K Compliance on OPM Radio Hot Line

Washington, D.C. -- OPM is Y2K OK, are the words of U.S. Office of Personnel Management Director Janice R. Lachance on the latest news of the agencys radio hot line. To hear Lachances comments on OPMs Y2K compliance, please dial 202-606-0839, ext. 30.

The bilingual radio hot line is part of OPMs major public awareness initiative to assure federal employees, retirees, and other constituents that OPM is ready for the year 2000. Hot line listeners also learn how to get more information on Y2K preparedness.

The hot line features comments on Y2K compliance in Spanish by OPM Deputy Director John Sepulveda. To hear Sepulvedas comments in Spanish, please dial 202-606-0839, ext. 45.

I am pleased to announce that the U.S. Office of Personnel Management is Y2K OK, said Lachance.

Federal employees, retirees, and their families can be confident that their federal health and life insurance programs, their retirement system, and other OPM services are ready for the year 2000, she added.

Additional information on OPMsY2K compliance is available through OPMs Fax-back system at 1-877-750-0177, the Federal Year 2000 Information Center at 1-888-USA4-Y2K, or on our website at www.opm.gov/y2k/help.

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