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May 19, 1999
CONTACT: Edmund Byrnes
(202) 606-2572

OPM Director Announces Y2K Initiatives at Public Awareness Briefing

Washington, D.C. -- I want to assure you that we are ready for the year 2000 -- we are Y2K OK, said U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Director Janice R. Lachance as she looked into the camera to film a new PSA on the subject.

In compliance with President Clintons Executive Order directing federal agencies to ensure that no critical federal programs experience disruptions because of the Y2K issue, OPM held a public awareness briefing.

Lachance and OPM Deputy Director John Sepulveda previewed a new Y2K PSA and announced a number of initiatives aimed at assuring Federal employees and retirees that OPM is Y2K OK.

OPM services covered, included: federal employment information (www.usajobs.gov), federal job applications and testing, federal retirement payments or claims, federal life insurance program, and federal health benefits and life insurance.

The world is preparing for the next millennium, and it is vital that we show the world that OPM is ready for the 21st century, said Lachance. Being ready means making sure that we are Y2K OK so that not one annuity check is missed or is late.

For more information on OPMs Y2K compliance, please contact the agencys Fax-back system at 1-877-750-0177, the Federal Year 2000 Information Center at 1-888-USA-4-Y2K, or visit OPM on the Web at www.opm.gov/y2k/help.


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