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May 25, 1999
CONTACT: Ivonne Cuñarro
(202) 606-1479

OPM Director Lachance Expands Family Friendly Options For Federal Workers

WASHINGTON, D.C. In response to President Clintons directive, U.S. Office of Personnel Management Director Janice R. Lachance today said that her agency has begun the process to propose regulations allowing federal workers to use up to 12 weeks of accrued sick leave to care for a family member with a serious health condition.

On the eve of the 21st century, we ought to set a goal that all working Americans can take time when they need it to care for their families without losing the income they need to support their families, the President said.

Lachance will propose regulations that would expand the period of sick leave that employees could use, from 13 days to 12 full weeks per year, for the care and comfort of an ailing family member. Clintons directive increases the number of family friendly options to help employees balance their work and family lives. Other Presidential initiatives in this area include the Family and Medical Leave Act and the Federal Employees Leave Sharing Act.

The President also directed OPM to establish an Interagency Family Friendly Workplace Working Group within 90 days to promote and evaluate family friendly initiatives in the workplace. Agency heads will nominate coordinators to serve in this group which would exchange information and promote effective approaches to the implementation of family friendly workplace practices. Some of these include, flexible work schedules, telecommuting, leave sharing, and compressed schedules. The Working Group will also consist of union representatives making this family friendly initiative a true labor-management partnership.

No parent should be faced with the need to choose between taking time from work to care for a sick child, parent or spouse, or providing the financial support for the family, Lachance said.

The use of sick leave under the proposed family friendly expansion would be covered by the same conditions as the use of leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).

OPM estimates that it would take four to six months to complete the process and make the new sick leave policy effective. The agency will be issuing a memorandum to federal agencies to inform them of the Presidents directive.

We owe it to our employees to identify and implement every possible measure to relieve real world anxieties without sacrificing efficiency, said Lachance. The American workforce, our nations greatest resource, deserves nothing less than our full support.

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