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May 17, 1999
CONTACT: Edmund Byrnes
(202) 606-2572


OPM Director is Keynote Speaker at Congressional Luncheon

Washington, D.C. -- U.S. Office of Personnel Management Director Janice R. Lachance will be keynote speaker at the Federal Asian Pacific American Councils Congressional luncheon.

America has a history of welcoming people from around the world to her shores. As Director of the Office of Personnel Management, one of my duties is to ensure that all people are welcome to share in the American dream, said Janice R. Lachance.

The luncheon is part of FAPACs promotion of equal opportunity and cultural diversity for over 120, 000 Asian Pacific Americans within the Federal and District of Columbia Governments.

Members of the media are invited to attend this event.

WHAT: Keynote Speech at FAPAC Congressional Luncheon
PLACE: Senate Hart Building
Room 902
Washington, DC
WHEN: Tuesday, May 18
TIME: 12 p.m.


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