[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 50, Volume 7]
[Revised as of January 1, 2007]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 50CFR229.7]

[Page 603-604]
                    TITLE 50--WILDLIFE AND FISHERIES
                      Subpart A_General Provisions
Sec. 229.7  Monitoring of incidental mortalities and serious injuries.

    (a) Purpose. The Assistant Administrator will establish a program to 
monitor incidental mortality and serious injury of marine mammals during 
the course of commercial fishing operations in order to:
    (1) Obtain statistically reliable estimates of incidental mortality 
and serious injury;
    (2) Determine the reliability of reports of incidental mortality and 
injury under Sec. 229.6; and
    (3) Identify changes in fishing methods or technology that may 
increase or decrease incidental mortality and serious injury.
    (b) Observer program. Pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section, the 
Assistant Administrator may observe Category I and II vessels as 
necessary. Observers may, among other tasks:
    (1) Record incidental mortality and injury, and bycatch of other 
nontarget species;
    (2) Record numbers of marine mammals sighted; and
    (3) Perform other scientific investigations, which may include, but 
are not limited to, sampling and photographing incidental mortalities 
and serious injuries.
    (c) Observer requirements for participants in Category I and II 
fisheries. (1) If requested by NMFS or by a designated contractor 
providing observer services to NMFS, a vessel owner/operator must take 
aboard an observer to accompany the vessel on fishing trips.
    (2) After being notified by NMFS, or by a designated contractor 
providing observer services to NMFS, that the vessel is required to 
carry an observer, the vessel owner/operator must comply with the 
notification by providing information requested within the specified 
time on scheduled or anticipated fishing trips.
    (3) NMFS, or a designated contractor providing observer services to 
NMFS, may waive the observer requirement based on a finding that the 
facilities for housing the observer or for carrying out observer 
functions are so inadequate or unsafe that the health or safety of the 
observer or the safe operation of the vessel would be jeopardized.
    (4) The vessel owner/operator and crew must cooperate with the 
observer in the performance of the observer's duties including:
    (i) Providing, at no cost to the observer, the United States 

[[Page 604]]

or the designated observer provider, food, toilet, bathing, sleeping 
accommodations, and other amenities that are equivalent to those 
provided to the crew, unless other arrangements are approved in advance 
by the Regional Administrator;
    (ii) Allowing for the embarking and debarking of the observer as 
specified by NMFS personnel or designated contractors. The operator of a 
vessel must ensure that transfers of observers at sea are accomplished 
in a safe manner, via small boat or raft, during daylight hours if 
feasible, as weather and sea conditions allow, and with the agreement of 
the observer involved;
    (iii) Allowing the observer access to all areas of the vessel 
necessary to conduct observer duties;
    (iv) Allowing the observer access to communications equipment and 
navigation equipment, when available on the vessel, as necessary to 
perform observer duties;
    (v) Providing true vessel locations by latitude and longitude, 
accurate to the minute, or by loran coordinates, upon request by the 
    (vi) Sampling, retaining, and storing of marine mammal specimens, 
other protected species specimens, or target or non-target catch 
specimens, upon request by NMFS personnel, designated contractors, or 
the observer, if adequate facilities are available and if feasible;
    (vii) Notifying the observer in a timely fashion of when all 
commercial fishing operations are to begin and end;
    (viii) Not impairing or in any way interfering with the research or 
observations being carried out; and
    (ix) Complying with other guidelines or regulations that NMFS may 
develop to ensure the effective deployment and use of observers.
    (5) Marine mammals or other specimens identified in paragraph 
(c)(4)(vi) of this section, which are readily accessible to crew 
members, must be brought on board the vessel and retained for the 
purposes of scientific research if feasible and requested by NMFS 
personnel, designated contractors, or the observer. Specimens so 
collected and retained must, upon request by NMFS personnel, designated 
contractors, or the observer, be retained in cold storage on board the 
vessel, if feasible, until removed at the request of NMFS personnel, 
designated contractors, or the observer, retrieved by authorized 
personnel of NMFS, or released by the observer for return to the ocean. 
These biological specimens may be transported on board the vessel during 
the fishing trip and back to port under this authorization.
    (d) Observer requirements for participants in Category III 
fisheries. (1) The Assistant Administrator may place observers on 
Category III vessels if the Assistant Administrator:
    (i) Believes that the incidental mortality and serious injury of 
marine mammals from such fishery may be contributing to the immediate 
and significant adverse impact on a species or stock listed as a 
threatened species or endangered species under the Endangered Species 
Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.); and
    (ii) Has complied with Sec. 229.9(a)(3)(i) and (ii); or
    (iii) Has the consent of the vessel owner.
    (2) If an observer is placed on a Category III vessel, the vessel 
owner and/or operator must comply with the requirements of Sec. 
    (e) Alternative observer program. The Assistant Administrator may 
establish an alternative observer program to provide statistically 
reliable information on the species and number of marine mammals 
incidentally taken in the course of commercial fishing operations. The 
alternative observer program may include direct observation of fishing 
activities from vessels, airplanes, or points on shore.

[60 FR 45100, Aug. 30, 1995, as amended at 64 FR 9087, Feb. 24, 1999]