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March 14, 2000
CONTACT: Cathy McDermott
202-606-0132 or cmmcderm@opm.gov

OPM Director Announces New Regulations to Implement Ground-Breaking Child Care Legislation


Washington, D. C. The U.S. Office of Personnel Management today released final regulations to implement legislation to help lower income Federal employees with their child care costs. For the first time, Federal agencies can use appropriated funds to help lower income Federal employees with the costs of child care in licensed child care centers and family child care homes. OPM's regulations cover children up through age 13 as well as children with disabilities up through age 18.

The cost of child care for some families can reach as high as 50% of their gross annual income making affordable, quality child care out of reach. "With national child care costs ranging from $4,000 to $7,000 per year for preschoolers and from $8,000 to $14,000 for infants, most lower income Federal employees cannot utilize quality, safe child care for their children. This legislation addresses this great need," said OPM Director Janice R. Lachance. "This new legislation can result in better child care choices for Federal families. It can also help our employees achieve better work/life balance and increase their productivity on the job."

Federal agencies, labor organizations and child care providers contributed valuable information and insights for crafting the child care regulations. The National Treasury Employees Union led the way by successfully negotiating child care subsidy agreements with components of the Department of Health and Human Services and the Internal Revenue Service.

The final regulation and OPM's guide for implementing the child care legislation are available on OPM's web site, www.opm.gov.

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