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APHIS Leadership

dan sheesley Dr. Dan Sheesley was appointed Deputy Administrator for APHIS' International Services (IS) program in January 2005. IS provides internationally-based plant and animal health expertise that enhances APHIS' ability to safeguard U.S. agricultural and natural resources. IS also helps to foster science-based international trade and delivers specific disease and pest eradication and control programs.

Prior to his recent appointment, Dr. Sheesley served 4 years as minister counselor and regional director at the United States Mission to the European Union in Brussels, Belgium. He also directed APHIS' trade support team and served as Associate Deputy Administrator for IS. Dr. Sheesley has 17 years experience working for APHIS throughout Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, and Europe. He joined the Foreign Service as a veterinary attaché based in Costa Rica after serving as a veterinary medical officer in Puerto Rico and Haiti during his first few years with APHIS.

Dr. Sheesley graduated with a degree in veterinary medicine from Colorado State University following military service as a helicopter pilot, which included a distinguished tour in Vietnam.

Dr. Sheesley and his wife of 37 years are both natives of Colorado. They have two daughters, who live with their families in the Washington metropolitan area, and a son, who lives in Fort Collins, Colorado.

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