3-D Month Holiday Planner
Web Pages
Friends Don't Let Friends Drive Drunk
You Drink & Drive.
You Lose
Additional Resources
Need more Help?
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Since 1981, every President of the United States has demonstrated his commitment to preventing impaired driving by proclaiming December as National Drunk and Drugged Driving (3D) Prevention Month.
Reducing the incidence of impaired driving requires a comprehensive approach, while recognizing that every community faces different challenges. That’s why we’re offering multiple resources to help you plan and promote your 3D month activities.

NHTSA’s primary message during the December holiday season is Friends Don’t Let Friends Drive Drunk--Designate a Sober Driver. But we also know that some States and communities will be increasing enforcement of impaired driving laws through sobriety checkpoints or saturation patrols, so we’ve provided multimedia tools to support the You Drink & Drive. You Lose. message.

Regardless of which message you use, please use the 3D Planning Guide to help you coordinate your outreach efforts.








3-D month logo
This holiday season, if you catch a buzz, catch a ride logo
you drink & drive. you lose logo