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News Release

August 22, 2005

Contact: Debby Pafel

OPM Advances America's Workforce by Adding New Programs to the e-Training Initiative

The e-Training Initiative marks its third anniversary by setting a new direction for the Federal workforce's one-stop source for training and development information and opportunities.

Washington, D.C. - The United States Office of Personnel Management (OPM), the managing agency of the e-Training Initiative component of President Bush's Management Agenda, is paving a new direction for training and development in the Federal government with several advancements to the e-Training Initiative.

USALearning.gov, formerly known as GoLearn.gov, now reflects the offerings and services of all three e-Training Initiative service providers: FasTrac, NTIS, and GoLearn. It was renamed to align with other OPM initiatives, like USAJOBS. The site has been elevated to a portal that showcases learning opportunities across the Federal government.

As of the third quarter of fiscal year 2005, the e-Training Initiative, through the USALearning site and all e-Training service provider-implemented systems, has registered more than 1.3 million users and over 900,000 course completions across 123 government entities.

The e-Training Advisory Council (ETAC), an important component to the e-Training Initiative, recently held its first meeting. ETAC will support the e-Training project manager by advising on the strategic direction of the Initiative, identifying how the e-Training service providers can adequately support the Initiative and agencies, examining industry practices, and providing a forum for agency human resource leaders to resolve the challenges and management of human capital.

"The e-Training Advisory Council represents the coalescing of ideas on governmentwide learning at the highest levels of the Federal government," said Jeff Pon, chair of the e-Training Advisory Council and acting project manager for the e-Training Initiative. "The council provides a valuable, unified voice in tackling challenges that are faced by learning practitioners and human capital managers in agencies large and small."

ETAC is made up of twenty-four representatives from major cabinet agencies and several small agencies. The representatives were appointed to serve on the council by their chief human capital officers.

For more information about USALearning.gov or the e-Training Initiative service providers, visit www.usalearning.gov or email USALEARNING@OPM.GOV.

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Our mission is to ensure the Federal Government has an effective civilian workforce. OPM supports U.S. agencies with personnel services and policy leadership including staffing tools, guidance on labor-management relations and programs to improve work force performance.

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