August 9, 1996
  CONTACT: Mary Ann Maloney
(202) 606-1800


Washington, D.C. -- In a report released today, U.S. Office of Personnel Management Director Jim King announced employment gains for women in the federal workforce. The report, AWomen in the Federal Government - A Statistical Profile@ tracks the representation and professional standing of women in the federal government.

The percentage of women in the permanent federal workforce increased to 42.9 percent in 1995 from 40.6 percent in 1985. Minority women make up 15.2 percent of the permanent federal workforce, while their presence is 11.5 percent in the civilian labor force.

Encouraged by the overall increase, President Clinton said, AI am pleased to see that the percentage of women in the federal sector has increased. Women in public service contribute much to our society, and as President I have been able to appoint the highest percentage of women in our history to public service positions, including Cabinet level agencies, the federal bench, and the Supreme Court.@

The statistical profile is part of a continuing series of statistical profiles which assist federal agencies in the development of strategic, affirmative-recruiting plans and making informed and cost-effective human resource management decisions.

Long-term occupational trends show that the percentage of women at the highest career levels and in the Senior Executive Service has doubled in the last decade (see chart accompanying release from report). Director King added, AThe report bears out that while the glass ceiling has not yet shattered, it is being raised and I am confident that this trend will continue.@

The report also highlights that women are receiving 54.5 percent of promotions in the full-time permanent service, exceeding their representation in the federal workforce. Seventy-two percent of women held permanent positions in professional, administrative or technical occupations. Despite downsizing, women have maintained or increased their representation in professional and administrative occupations.

A copy of the report can be obtained by contacting Mary Ann Maloney on 202-606-1800, or by faxing a request to 202-606-2264.

Copies of the report also are available by accessing AMainstreet,@ OPM=s electronic bulletin board. Callers using a computer and modem should dial 202-606-4800. Once connected to AMainstreet,@ this report is located in the file area titled AWorkforce Diversity.@

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Web page created 2 December 1997