Text Box: 	                                 The Health of the Networks System
	                                  Cooperative Network - Quick Reference Guide


The Health of the Networks (HoN) provides a set of performance measures used for monitoring the various NOAA observingnetworks including the Cooperative Data Network (COOP). Performance measures for COOP include data completeness, quality, and validity as well as period of record, missing stations, and receipt timeliness on a monthly basis. A station watchlist is also created identifying tempreature data changepoints overa minimum of ten years. Reports are distributed via email to the National Weather Service (NWS) regional offices and are then forwarded to the appropriate Weather Forecast Office (WFO). In addition to links to the reports, the HoN website also provides access to the dynamic graphing and mapping applications. Tools are also provided for generating suspect station lists based upon user-defined temperature and precipitation data value changes as a result of the TempVal and PrecipVal processes.


HoN Cooperative Network Options Website

The Cooperative Network homepage is located at:


This page contains links to various station information options as well as report descriptions, QC flag defintions, related publications, and additional websites.


The Cooperative Network options page is located at:


This page provides access to the various types of reporting, graphing, and mapping applications that are offered by station, state, WFO, NWS region, and RCC region.


Report Distribution

HoN reports are distributed in three releases � TD3201 data as Release 1, TD3202 data as Release 2, and TD3200 as the Final Release.


Release 1 data comes from the TD3201 archive and is comprised of ROSA, WXCODER, and IV-ROCS and is often event-driven. Only the Quality Assurance report is available for this release and is accessible 15-20 days after the data month.


Release 2 data comes from the TD3202 archive and has been quality controlled for internal consistency checks. Quality Assurance and Data Completeness reports are available approximately 60 days after the data month.


Final Release data comes from the TD3200 archive and includes spatial QC and interactive areial edits and serves as the primary COOP data archive at NCDC. All six reports are available approximately 110 days after the data month.


Report notifications are sent via email and include the appropriate links to the reports. All reports are also available from the website. Currently, email notification is limited to NWS regional representatives and a limited number of NWS headquarters personnel. The reports are then forwarded to appropriate WFOs if it is determined that further investigation is necessary.


A more detailed descriptions of the reports and their usage can be found at:



Report Descriptions

Six types of reports are generated from the HoN system � Data Completeness, Quality Assurance, Data Validity, Missing Stations, Station Changepoint List, and the Station Watchlist.


Data Completeness � Completeness percentages are displayed for temperature and precipitation elements. Links are included to the Monthly Data Listing, MI3, the Monthly Snapshot, and Station Graphs. Completeness reports are available by state, NWS region, and RCC region for Release 2 and Final Release data.


Quality Assurance � This report displays the number of identified errors, timeshifts, and missing values for temperature and precipitation elements. Links are included to the Monthly Data Listing, MI3, the Monthly Snapshot, and Station Graphs. Quality Assurance reports are available by NWS region for Release 1and Release 2 data and by state, NWS region, and RCC region for Final Release data.


Data Validity � Data Validity provideds a combination of completeness percentages and quality for temperature and precipitation elements. Links are included to the Monthly Data Listing, MI3, the Monthly Snapshot, and Station Graphs. Validity reports are available by state, NWS region, and RCC region for Final Release data only.





Missing Stations � Missing station lists are generated for each data month and display the begin date for the station as well as the last data month received. Links are included to MI3, Station Graphs, and Station Inventories. Missing reports are available by state, NWS region, and RCC region for Release 2 and Final Release data.

Station Watchlist
� The station watchlist displays stations with a detected changepoint within the past 12 months that do not have a corresponding metadata change within 6 months of the changepoint.Links are included to the Monthly Data Listing, MI3, the Watch Report, and Station Graphs. Watchlists are available by NWS region for Final Release data only.


Station Changepoint List � Detected changepoints are displayed for max and min temperature elements. Links are included to the Monthly Data Listing, MI3, the Watch Report, and Station Graphs. Changepoint reports are available by NWS region for Final Release data only.


Graphing Options

Graphs are available by station, WFO, state, NWS region, and RCC region. The begin and end dates default to the earliest and latest data available and can be changed by the user.


- Station options include completeness and quality, validity, metadata changes, receipt timeliness, and changepoint detection various elements/qualifiers.


- WFO, state, NWS region, and RCC region options include completeness and quality, validity, practice and equipment changes, receipt timeliness, station moves, stations reporting, and period of record for various elements/qualifiers.


Mapping Options

Maps are available by WFO and state for active stations as well as temperature and precipitation completeness, quality, and validity and missing stations, station practice changes, receipt timeliness, period of record, open/closed/moved, and changepoint/watchlist.


The station options page also includes a station locator map.




Suspect Data Options

Suspect station lists are generated by WFO and user-defined parameters for the difference in observed versus �corrected� values for temperature and precipitation and are available for Final Release data only.


The detailed station data listing includes links to the entire data month listing, the QA flags, and Datzilla.







The Health of the Networks was developed by NOAA�s NCDC. Questions and problems can be reported to:
