Local Hazardous Waste Management Program in King County
Household hazardous waste information Business hazardous waste information Schools, youth, and young children information Interagency collaboration and cooperation
Library resources: catalog, books, research requests Calendar and program highlights Publications: brochures, research and program reports, factsheets, etc. About Us: agency partners, staff directory, cities Contact form, contact list Search
You are in: Household
Household Home
Hazardous Products
Natural yard care
Natural lawn care
Need help?
Household Hazards Line: 206-296-4692

Garden Hotline: 206-633-0224
Disposal of...

Pesticides (indoor, outdoor)

Oil, fuels, auto products

Fluorescent Bulbs & Tubes

Computers, TVs

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Health Updates
Bisphenol A (BPA), Plastic Bottles, Canned Goods, and You
Shopper’s Tips for Buying Fruits & Vegetables
Quick Links
Hazardous product and disposal list

Good bug guide

Wastemobile schedule & Seattle haz sites

Free home health assessment (external link)

Products Containing Mercury
Common questions
What is hazardous waste?

What are some alternatives to hazardous products?

Where can I get a compost bin?

Events Calendar
Wastemobile Collection Event - Auburn
Sep 19 - Sep 21

Wastemobile Collection Event - Federal Way
Sep 26 - Sep 28

Wastemobile Collection Event - Redmond
Oct 3 - Oct 5

Wastemobile Collection Event - Burien
Oct 10 - Oct 12

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Program Highlights
Change in Latex Paint Disposal Policy

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