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Albuquerque - Official City Website

Performance Plan Overview

The City of Albuquerque's Performance Plan is an integral part of the City's budget and performance management process. A direct manifestation of the goal-setting and strategic management framework outlined in the Vision in Action Ordinance (and now incorporated in the Budget Ordinance) and the City Charter, the Performance Plan builds upon the financial plan component of the Budget by addressing four critical objectives:

  1. The Performance Plan seeks to enhance the budget into a tool that aids departments in managing for results; the budget becomes a plan of action for the entire City government;
  2. The Performance Plan augments financial data already provided to policy makers in the resource allocation process with additional information and data—performance measures.
  3. The Performance Plan describes the means by which desired outcomes defined through an extensive community involvement process are achieved or influenced.
  4. The Performance Plan is the resource to link Employee Work Plans with organizational performance to help employees understand how they contribute to organizational goals and community conditions.

The Budget as Performance Plan [pdf, 250k]
Adopted 2002-2006 Five-Year Goals and Desired Community Conditions [pdf, 134k]

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