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News Release

May 23, 2007

Contact: Beverly Ward

OPM, GSA Invite Private Sector Vendors to Become HR LOB Shared Service Centers

Marks First Time Private Sector Will Provide Services to Federal Employees as SSC

Washington, D.C. - The United States Office of Personnel Management and the General Services Administration (GSA) today issued a Request for Proposals, inviting private sector vendors to submit offers and plans to become a Human Resources Line of Business Shared Service Center. The new Shared Service Centers (SSCs) will be in addition to those currently operated by the Departments of Agriculture, Defense, Health and Human Services, Interior and Treasury.

The private sector Shared Service Centers are expected to provide information processing technology for personnel action processing and benefits management, at a minimum. Other services may be offered as well. When selected, private sector Shared Service Centers will be part of a GSA Multiple Award Schedule, and agencies will have the ability to competitively select between the Federal and private sector for human resources services.

Shared Service Centers are a hallmark of the President's Management Agenda, and are designed to streamline human resources services provided by the Federal government. Proposals are due in early July with the new SSCs expected to be announced this fall.

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