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U.S. Office of Personnel Management - Ensuring the Federal Government has an effective civilian workforce

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News Release

May 5, 2003

Contact: Rusty Asher
(202) 606-2402

OPM Director responds to Devastating Tornadoes in the Midwest
Asks Heads of Departments and Agencies to Grant Excused Absences for Federal Employees Affected by Tornadoes

Washington, DC – Kay Coles James, Director of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management has asked Heads of Federal Departments and Agencies to be flexible in allowing work schedule changes for workers to take care of their personal needs as a result of the devastating tornadoes in Missouri, Kansas and the neighboring states. James stated, “Federal Government employees affected by these tornadoes can be assured that we will extend all available flexibilities so they may care of their families and assist their communities with the massive cleanup.”

President George W. Bush today expressed his condolences to the victims of the tornadoes that ripped mainly through Kansas and Missouri, but also touched the states of Arkansas, Tennessee, Nebraska and South Dakota. President Bush said, “Our prayers are with those who lost life and or those who lost their home.” He further added that “the Federal government will be moving as quickly as we possibly can to provide help where help is needed and where help is justified.”

Director James’ memorandum today reminds agencies of their authority under the law to make adjustments to employee work schedules using existing flexibilities. Employees who wish to stay home to be available for members of their family as well as assisting in their local communities should request leave by following normal procedures. Employees on alternative work schedules (AWS) may wish to reschedule their AWS day off or use credit hours (if available). With supervisory approval under a written telecommuting agreement, employees may work at home or at a telecenter to allow them to remain close to their homes.

Director James said, “I am encouraging managers and supervisors to be proactive in showing support and concern for employees and their families affected by this devastation. She further added that employees should be reminded of the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) which is available to assist employees in dealing with concerns about their families’ emotional well-being in response to this destruction.”

Federal agencies that have questions regarding this memorandum or would like a complete copy may contact OPM’s Pay and Leave Administration Division on 202-606-2858 or by email at

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OPM oversees the federal work force and provides the American public with up-to-date employment information. OPM also supports U.S. agencies with personnel services and policy leadership including staffing tools, guidance on labor-management relations and programs to improve work force performance.

United States Office of Personnel Management
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