
FayeChen, Ph.D.

Complete list of publications

Wang IE, J Shan, R Choi, , S Oh, CK Kepler, FH Chen and HH Lu: Role of Osteoblast-Fibroblast Interactions in the Regeneration of the Ligament-to-Bone Interface. In press, J Orthop Res, 2007, Aug 3, 2007 Epub. PubMed Icon

Lu, X, C. Miller, F.H. Chen, X.E Guo, and V.C. Mow: The generalized triphasic correspondence principle for simultaneous determination of the mechanical properties and proteoglycan content of articular cartilage by Indentation. J Biomech. 40:2434-41, 2007 PubMed Icon

Kurth,T, E Hedbom, N Shintani, FH Chen, M Haspl, S Martinovic and EB Hunziker: Chondrogenic potential of human synovial mesenchymal stem cells in alginate. OA & Cartilage, 15:1178-89, 2007. PubMed Icon

Chen, F.H., M.E. Herndon, N. Patel, J.T. Hecht, R.S. Tuan, and J Lawler: Interaction of cartilage oligomeric matrix protein/thrombospondin 5 with aggrecan. J Biol Chem, 282:24591-98, 2007 PubMed Icon

Basalo I.M., N.O. Chahine, F.H. Chen, C.T. Hung, and G.A. Ateshian: Chondroitin sulfate reduces the friction coefficient of articular cartilage. J Biomech. 40:1847-54, 2007 PubMed Icon

Wang, I.E., S. Mitroo, F.H. Chen, H.H. Lu and S.B. Doty. Age-Dependent Changes in Matrix Composition and Organization at the Ligament-to-Bone Insertion. J Orthop Res, 24:1745-55, 2006 PubMed Icon

Ishii, Y., A.O. Thomas, G.A. Ateshian, X.E. Guo, C.T. Hung, and F.H. Chen: Localization and distribution of cartilage oligomeric matrix protein in spine. Spine. 31:1539-46, 2006 PubMed Icon

Chen, F.H., K.T. Rousche, and R.S. Tuan: Tchnology Insight: adult stem cells in cartilage regeneration and tissue engineering. Nature Clin Pract Rheum.2:373-82, 2006. PubMed Icon

Basalo I.M., F.H. Chen, C.T. Hung, and G.A. Ateshian: Frictional response of bovine articular cartilage under creep loading following proteoglycan digestion with chondroitinase ABC. J Biomech Eng 128:128-31, 2006 PubMed Icon

Chen, F.H., A. O. Thomas, M. B. Goldring and J Lawler: Cartilage oligomeric matrix protein supports chondrocyte attachment though interaction with integrin. J Biol Chem. 280:32655-61, 2005 PubMed Icon

Chahine, N.O., FH Chen, CT Hung, and GA Ateshian: Direct measurement of osmotic pressure of glycosaminoglycan solution by membrane osmometry at room temperature. Biophys J 89:1543-50, 2005 PubMed Icon

Basalo IM, D Raj, R Krishnan, FH Chen, CT Hung and GA Ateshian: Effects of enzymatic degradation on the frictional response of articular cartilage in stress relaxation. J Biomech. 38:1343-9, 2005 PubMed Icon

Lu X., D.D. Sun, X.E. Guo, F.H. Chen, W.M. Lai, and V.C. Mow: Determination of Proteoglycan Content using the Biphasic Indentation Method. Ann Biomed Eng. 32:370-379, 2004 PubMed Icon

Basalo I.M., R.L. Mauck, T.A. Kelly, S.B. Nicoll, F.H. Chen, C.T. Hung, and G.A. Ateshian: Cartilage interstitial fluid support in unconfined compression following enzymatic digestion. J Biomechan Eng, 126:779-86, 2004. PubMed Icon

Riessen, R., M. Fenchel, H. Chen, D.I. Axel, K.R. Karsch, and J. Lawler. Cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (thrombospondin-5) is expressed by human vascular smooth muscle cells. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 21:47-54, 2001. PubMed Icon

Chen, H., M.E. Herndon, and J. Lawler. The cell biology of thrombospondin 1. Matrix Biol. 19: 597-614, 2000 PubMed Icon

Chen, H., M. Deere, J.T. Hecht, and J. lawler. Cartilage oligomeric matrix protein is a calcium-binding protein, and a mutation in its type 3 repeats causes conformational changes. J. Biol Chem. 275: 26538-26544, 2000. PubMed Icon

Danik, M., A.M. Chinn, B. Lafeuillade, M. Keramidas, S. Aguesse-Germon, A.H. Penhoat, H. Chen, D.F Mosher, E.M. Chambaz, and J.J. Feige. Bovine thrombospondin-2: complete cDNA sequence and immunolocalization in the external zones of the adrenal cortex. Endocrinology. 140: 2771-2780, 1999. PubMed Icon

Hecht, J. T., M. Deere, E. Putnam, W. Cole, B.M Vertel, H. Chen, and J. Lawler. Characterization of cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) in human normal and pseudoachondroplasia musculoskeletal tissues. Matrix Biol. 17: 269-278, 1998. PubMed Icon

Panetti, T. S., H. Chen, T. Misenheimer, S.B. Getzler, and D.F. Mosher. Endothelial cell mitogenesis induced by LPA: inhibition by thrombospondin-1 and -2. J. Lab. Clin. Med. 129: 208-216, 1997. PubMed Icon

Chen, H., J. Sottile, D.K. Strickland, and D.F Mosher. Binding and degradation of thrombospondin-1 mediated through heparin sulfate proteoglycans and low-density-lipoprotein receptor-related protein: localization of the functional activity to the trimetric N-terminal heparin-binding region of thrombospondin-1. Biochem. J. 318: 959–963, 1996. PubMed Icon

Chen, H., D.K. Strickland, and D.F. Mosher. Metabolism of thrombospondin 2: binding and degradation by 3T3 cells and glycosaminoglycan-variant cells. J. Biol. Chem. 271:15993-15999, 1996. PubMed Icon

Chen, H., D. Aeschlimann, J. Nowlen, and D.F. Mosher. Expression and initial characterization of recombinant mouse thrombospondin 1 and thrombospondin 3. FEBS Lett. 38: 36-41, 1996. PubMed Icon

Chen, H., and D.F. Mosher. Formation of sodium dodecyl sulfate-stable fibronectin multimers: failure to detect products of thiol-disulfide exchange in cyanogen bromide or limited acid digests of stabilized matrix fibronectin. J. Biol. Chem. 271: 9084-9089, 1996. PubMed Icon

Volpert, O.V., S.S. Tolsma, S. Pellerin, J. Feige, H. Chen, D.F. Mosher, and N. Bouck. Inhibition of angiogenesis by thrombospondin-2. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 217:326-332, 1995. PubMed Icon

Schlultz-Cherry, S., H. Chen, D.F. Mosher, T.M. Misenheimer, H.C. Krutzsch, D.D. Roberts, and J.E. Murphy-Ullrich. Regulation of TGF-ß activation by discrete sequences of thrombospondin 1. J. Biol. Chem. 270: 7304-7310, 1995. PubMed Icon

Chen, H., J. Sottile, K.M. O'Rourke, V.M. Dixit, and D.F. Mosher. Properties of recombinant mouse thrombospondin 2 expressed in spodoptera cells. J. Biol. Chem. 269:32226-32232, 1994. PubMed Icon