OPM News Release Banner

November 21, 1994
  CONTACT: Mary Ann Maloney
(202) 606-1800


Washington, D.C. -- During Thanksgiving week, designated by Congress and the President as National Caregivers Week, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management and the U.S. Administration on Aging will join forces to encourage federal agencies to recognize those employees who provide care for elderly relatives and friends.

"This national observation week recognizes the significant sacrifice made every day by families who care for relatives and friends who are incapacitated by age, illness, or disability," said OPM Director Jim King.

In July, President Clinton directed federal agencies and departments to expand their use of family-friendly work arrangements, increase the use of current flexible personnel programs, provide training and support for such expansion, and overcome barriers that inhibit federal employees from balancing their work and family responsibilities.

A recent Department of Labor survey uncovered the fact that women-- at all stages of life and in all family situations--shoulder a large portion of family caregiving. The survey also found that women needed continuing support from employers to help them balance work and family responsibilities.

"Observing National Family Caregivers Week is certainly one way to show that support and appreciation," said Jim King. "I encourage all agencies to implement policies and innovative programs which help individuals balance their work and family needs."

As an employer, the federal government assists employees with their caregiving responsibilities by providing them with information on eldercare and by making the work environment more flexible and conducive to the needs of caregivers. Over the past year, OPM has proposed changes that would expand the use of sick leave for federal employees who provide care for family members who are ill. In addition, OPM has made the voluntary leave transfer program permanent. This program allows contributors to donate leave directly to an employee facing personal or family medical emergencies.


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(202) 606-1800
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