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News Release

May 10, 2006

Contact: Edmund D. Byrnes

OPM Convenes the Annual Meeting of the Full CHCO Council

Discussion centers around updates on federal programs and initiatives

Washington, DC -- U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Director Linda M. Springer opened the 3rd annual open meeting of the federal government's Chief Human Council Officers by thanking them for their ongoing efforts to improve federal human resource policies and practices. She also welcomed the Honorable George V. Voinovich, United States Senator (R-Ohio), who addressed the need to continue to implement important federal programs. As a staunch advocate for the federal workforce, Senator Voinovich, with Senator Daniel Akaka's (D-HI) co-sponsorship, created the Chief Human Capital Officers Council in Title XIII of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (PL 107-296).

"The CHCO Council continues to make significant progress in the strategic management of human capital," said Springer. "By tackling critical human resources challenges, the members of the CHCO Council are providing meaningful services to the federal government and to their own agencies."

Topics discussed during the meeting included the roll-out of new dental and vision benefits and the federal government's strategy for managing pandemic influenza.

Council members also participated in a discussion with representatives of federal employee organizations, and they were given a legislative update from congressional staff.

"This past year, Council members continued to serve as leaders and advisors on the federal government's most important human resources management challenges," said Springer. "I look forward to the Council's continued work to create a federal workforce that can meet any challenge it is given...to set goals and to achieve them."

The CHCO Council meets on a regular basis to explore and coordinate activities related to the modernization of human resources systems, including advising on areas where legislation affecting human resources operations and organizations is needed.

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