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United States Environmental Protection Agency
Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Program
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Meetings and Materials

UCMR 2 Webcast Training

EPA is hosting a webcast entitled, Implementation Overview for the second cycle of the Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation (UCMR 2). This webcast was designed to address the needs of Public Water Systems (PWSs) and laboratories. EPA hopes that the webcast assists with implementing UCMR 2, and answers common questions that PWSs and laboratories might encounter. This webcast will be presented multiple times, and all are welcome to participate.

  • Register for a webcast
  • Webcast schedule
    • February 8, 2007, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM ET
    • February 13, 2007, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM ET
    • February 21, 2007, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM ET


Workshop on the Feasibility of Using DNA/RNA Microarrays and Related Technologies for High Through-Put Detection of Waterborne Pathogens - March 22-23, 2005

List 3 Algal Toxins
Creating a Cyanotoxin Target List for the UCMR: Meeting Summary (PDF 17 p, 110 K) (ALL ABOUT PDF FILES) from the May 17-18, 2001 meeting.

Workshop to Develop a Protocol for Reliable Genetic Methods for the Detection of Viruses, for Use in EPA's Water Programs: Meeting Summary (PDF 16 p, 47 K) (ALL ABOUT PDF FILES) from the January 15-16, 2003 meeting.

Cyanobacteria Harmful Algae Blooms
A compilation of 3063 references citing 705 journals and written by 4687 authors and editors. The lists are provided in text format and can be downloaded into a bibliographic database and searched. The compilation was developed in 2003 by Dr. Wayne W. Carmichael for EPA through a contract with Wright State University.


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