Resource Guide on Laws Related to Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety

pictures of people biking and walking

Directions for Downloading and Launching the Program

For your convience, we recommend that you print out the directions
and read them carefully before attempting to download the document


  1. Click on the following link: Download Resource Guide.

  2. Netscape users: This will bring you to the "Save As" window.
    Explorer users: This will bring you to the "File Download" window. At the "File Download" window, select the "Save this program to disk" option and click "OK".

  3. At the "Save As" window, select the "Desktop" option from the "Save In" drop down menu box and click "OK/Save".

  4. The file will then be extracted to your Desktop. Minimize your browser and all other open programs if any, and double click on the new "Resource Guide" icon (e.g., Resourc..., ResourceG...) file on your Desktop.

  5. Two separate windows will then pop up, one on top of the other. The first being the WinZip Self-Extractor "Copyright Notice" window (clik "OK" to close) and the other the "WinZip Self-Extractor - ResourceGuide.exe" window itself.

  6. At the "WinZip Self-Extractor" window select the "Browse" option. A new "Browse for Folder" window will then pop up. Select the "Desktop" option at the top of the scroll menu and click "OK".

  7. The "Browse for Folder" window will then automatically close, bringing you back to the "WinZip Self-Extractor - ResourceGuide.exe" window. Select "Unzip." A new window will then pop up informing you that the files were "successfully unzipped." Close both the new window and the "WinZip Self-Extractor - ResourceGuide.exe" window at this point.

  8. You should now see a new folder on your desktop entitled "Resource Guide". Open the folder and double-click on the file PedBikeLa...

  9. Click on the "Content" link to your left, you're now ready to GO.

  10. To obtain directions on how to use the Resource Guide, click on the "View Instruction" link at the bottom

US Department of Transportation/National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

DOT HS 809 368

NHTSA/People Saving People Logo