National Cancer Institute
Office of Cancer Complimentary and Alternative Medicine

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Updated: 8/22/08



CAM on PubMed (NLM)
Allows you to find research articles or summaries on CAM in scientific journals articles

Cancer Research Portfolio
Offers access to information on cancer research and funding opportunities

The Cochrane Library
The Cochrane Library contains high-quality, independent systematic reviews of the available evidence to inform healthcare decision-making.

Searches a directory of health organizations and research resources

International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements (ODS, USDA)
Includes abstracts of published research about dietary supplements from scientific journals

MedlinePlus (NLM)
Assists you in locating credible health information from government agencies and health-related organizations

Retrieves scientific abstracts and articles on clinical and non-clinical studies of natural products including pharmacological activity

The development of the content contained in NAPRALERTsm was supported by NCI grant number U19CA52956.

PDQ Cancer CAM Clinical Trials
Contains cancer CAM clinical trials