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Air Passenger Opinions on Security Screening Procedures

Air Passenger Opinions on Security Screening Procedures

June 2005

Table of Contents File Formats
Entire Newsletter
List of Tables
Table 1: Percent of adults in the U.S. departing from a domestic airport between November 2003 and December 2004
Table 2: Minutes reported spent in line waiting to go through security screening by selected demographics
Table 3: Percent of passengers reporting being selected for extended security screening
Table 4: Time spent (reported by passenger) in line waiting to go through security screening by non-demographic characteristics
Table 5: Distribution of travelers based on differences between expected and reported wait time at security screening
Table 6: Percent very satisfied or satisfied with overall experience at the passenger security check point by selected demographics
Table 7: Passenger satisfaction with time required to screen passenger and carry-on items
Table 8: Rating the thoroughness of the screening process
Table 9: Satisfaction with screener courtesy by selected demographics
Table 10: Level of knowledge regarding passenger screening procedures
Table 11: Sources for information about the airport passenger screening process
Table 12: Overall confidence levels in the ability of security screeners to keep air travel secure
List of Figures
Figure 1: Percent of Fliers Satisfied or Very Satisfied with their Overall Experience at Passenger Screening Checkpoints, by Sex and Age
Figure 2: Reported Wait Times and Satisfaction with Overall Experience, Screening Time, and Courtesy Level (minutes)