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Carbon Sequestration
FAQ Information Portal


NETL is leading efforts to develop technologies to mitigate the emission of CO2 – a major greenhouse
gas and contributor to global climate change. Being
a relatively new scientific area, Carbon Capture and Sequestration is subject to many questions – about how each technology works, potential safety concerns, and implications to local and national economies – to name just a few.

NETL is taking serious aim at the global issue of manmade greenhouse gas emissions.  Research efforts are focusing on developing technologies in
the areas of: CO2 Capture; CO2 Storage; Monitoring, Mitigation, and Verification; Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases; and Breakthrough Concepts.  In addition,
the Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership
Projects are working to determine the most suitable technologies, regulations, and infrastructure needs
for carbon capture and sequestration in different regions of the U.S. and Canada.

The following pages of “Frequently Asked Questions” are intended to provide useful information on the subject of carbon capture and storage, and may
dispel misconceptions and myths about this multifaceted topic.

Please click here for links to other
Major Internal and External Resources
related to Carbon Capture and Sequestration.
CO2 Dipole
Categories of Questions