Blue Ribbon Panel on
Federal Aerial Firefighting

December 6, 2002 -- The Blue Ribbon Panel on Federal Aerial Firefighting is now available.

  • Complete report "Federal Aerial Firefighting: Assessing Safety and Effectiveness"
    (PDF File).
  • December 6, 2002, News Release.
    (MS Word) (PDF File)
  • Joint Statement by USDA Forest Service Chief Dale Bosworth and USDI Bureau of Land Management Director Kathleen Clarke - December 6, 2002.
    (MS Word) (PDF File)


The Chief of the Forest Service and the Director of the Bureau of Land Management commissioned the Blue Ribbon Panel to identify facts and key issues related to safety and operational performance.

The scope of the review is broad and includes fixed wing and helicopter operations, government and contractor operations, and maintenance and management oversight.

Public Outreach Strategy

Outreach Materials Transcripts of Town Meetings (pdf format)

Letter to the Public from the Blue Ribbon Panel -- (MS Word) (PDF File)

Format for Regional Town Meetings -- (MS Word) (PDF File)
Schedules of Regional Town Meetings -- (MS Word) (PDF File)



Point of Contact:

Rose Davis, Public Affairs Officer
USDA Forest Service, NIFC
3833 S. Development Ave.
Boise, ID 83705

Phone (208) 387-5437
Facsimile: (208) 387-5386