Quaternary Fault and Fold Database for the United States

Dubois 1° x 2° Sheet

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Elk City
Challis Dubois Ashton
Idaho Falls
601b Lost River fault, Warm Spring section
601c Lost River fault, Thousand Springs section
601d Lost River fault, Mackay section
601g Lost River fault, Willow Creek Hills section
602a Lemhi fault, Ellis section
602b Lemhi fault, May section
602c Lemhi fault, Big Gulch section
602d Lemhi fault, Warm Creek section
602e Lemhi fault, Fallert Springs section
603a Beaverhead fault, Lemhi section
603b Beaverhead fault, Mollie Gulch section
603c Beaverhead fault, Leadore section
603d Beaverhead fault, Baldy Mountain section
603e Beaverhead fault, Nicholia section
603f Beaverhead fault, Blue Dome section
606 Deadman fault
607 Unnamed fault
608 Unnamed fault
609 Unnamed fault
610 Unnamed fault in Chandler Canyon
611 Unnamed fault near Lidy Hot Springs
612 Unnamed fault near Poison Gulch
613 Unnamed fault near Corral Creek
614 Unnamed fault near Monida
615 Unnamed fault along West Camas Creek
641a Red Rock fault, northern segment
641b Red Rock fault, Timber Butte segment
641c Red Rock fault, Sheep Creeks segment
643a Centennial fault, Western Centennial Valley section
644b Blacktail fault, Cottonwood section
646 Lima Reservoir graben
647 Kissick fault
648a Red Rock Hills fault, Monument Hill section
648b Red Rock Hills fault, central section
648c Red Rock Hills fault, southern section
650 South Horse Prairie Basin fault
651 East Muddy Creek fault
652 West Muddy Creek fault
653 Unnamed fault near Trail Creek
654 Unnamed fault near Middle Creek
Last modified January 31, 2006
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