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White House Economic Statistics Briefing Room
May 2008

This report is intended to provide timely, easily accessible information for the transportation community. It was developed by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), and is updated on a regular basis on the BTS and White House websites.

The indicators fall under two broad categories: those that provide context about the economy and society in which transportation functions, and those that convey information about an aspect of transportation. To the extent possible, these latter indicators are transportation-wide in scope; however, some apply to only part of the transportation system. Reference tables at the beginning of the document provide key statistics about U.S. social and economic characteristics, and about the extent of the transportation system.

For indicators that are highly seasonal, the current value of that indicator is compared to the same time period in the previous year (e.g., April 2001 compared to April 2000). Otherwise, the tables show a comparison of the current value to a comparable preceeding period of time (e.g., the data for the month of April 2001 compared to that of March 2001).

Table of Contents File Formats
Entire Report
Transportation Services Index
Air Travel Price Index
Domestic Airline Jet Fuel
Major U.S. Air Carriers On-Time Performance
Motor Fuel Prices: Retail Diesel Prices
Motor Fuel Prices: Retail Gasoline
U.S. Highway Vehicle Miles Traveled
Amtrak Ridership
Index of Railroad Fuel prices
Rail Capacity Utilization: Rail Passenger Load Factor
Rail Freight: Revenue Ton-Miles
Rail On-Time Performance
Use of Passenger Rail: Revenue Passenger Miles
U.S. Surface Trade with Canada and Mexico