Press Room

July 17, 2006

US Treasury to Help Alabama Teachers Bring Financial Education to Schools

U.S. Treasury Deputy Assistant Secretary for Financial Education Dan Iannicola, Jr. will speak with approximately 400 teachers in Mobile, Ala. on Tuesday, July 18 to help bring financial literacy into Alabama classrooms.

America's high school seniors are not making the grade on personal money matters, scoring an average of 52 percent on a nationwide financial literacy test administered by the Jump$tart Coalition. Iannicola will help teachers integrate financial education into their curricula as part of a one-day conference hosted by the coalition's Alabama chapter.

The Treasury Department and other agencies and departments in the Financial Literacy and Education Commission released a strategy to improve financial literacy in America earlier this year.  The plan, titled Taking Ownership of the Future: The National Strategy for Financial Literacy, is available in English and Spanish at

Who: Deputy Assistant Secretary for Financial Education, Dan Iannicola, Jr.

What: Remarks to 400 Ala. Teachers on Financial Education in the Classroom

When: Tuesday, July 18, 12:30 p.m. (CDT)

Where: Arthur R. Outlaw Convention Center
One South Water Street - Second Floor
Mobile, Alabama

