All Packages  Class Hierarchy


Index of all Fields and Methods


available(). Method in class rcs.utils.CorrectedPipedInputStream


buffer_name. Variable in class rcs.nml.NMLConnection
Name of buffer to connect to.
buffer_name. Variable in class rcs.nml.NMLException
The buffer name of the NMLConnection that was being used, when the exception was thrown.
buffer_number. Variable in class rcs.nml.NMLConnection
buffer_number from NML configuration file.
bytes_read. Variable in class rcs.utils.URL_and_FileLoader


ClearStaticData(). Static method in class rcs.nml.NMLConnection
Clear any data saved from previously read configuration files.
close(). Method in class rcs.utils.CorrectedPipedInputStream
close(). Method in class rcs.utils.CorrectedPipedOutputStream
command_type. Variable in class rcs.nml.RCS_STAT_MSG
Subordinates ussually set this to the type of the command they are currently executing or just completed.
compare(String). Static method in class rcs.RCS_VERSION
Compare the version of the library with some other version.
config_debug_on. Variable in class rcs.nml.NMLConnection
Set config_debug_on to true to print out additional information while reading the NML Congiguration file.
config_file. Variable in class rcs.nml.NMLException
The configuration file read by the NMLConnection that was being used, when the exception was thrown.
configuration_file. Variable in class rcs.nml.NMLConnection
Name/URL the configuration file to read.
connect(). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLConnection
This function connects this NMLConnection object to a server.
connected. Variable in class rcs.nml.NMLConnection
True when this object is connected to the NML server.
content_length. Variable in class rcs.utils.URL_and_FileLoader
CorrectedPipeData(). Constructor for class rcs.utils.CorrectedPipeData
CorrectedPipedInputStream(). Constructor for class rcs.utils.CorrectedPipedInputStream
CorrectedPipedInputStream(CorrectedPipedOutputStream). Constructor for class rcs.utils.CorrectedPipedInputStream
CorrectedPipedOutputStream(). Constructor for class rcs.utils.CorrectedPipedOutputStream
CorrectedPipedOutputStream(CorrectedPipedInputStream). Constructor for class rcs.utils.CorrectedPipedOutputStream
crypt(String, String). Static method in class rcs.utils.jcrypt
Encrypts a passwd.
current_directory. Static variable in class rcs.utils.URL_and_FileLoader


date_string. Static variable in class rcs.RCS_VERSION
String in which the library was compiled is stored.
debug_file_loading. Static variable in class rcs.utils.URL_and_FileLoader
debug_on. Static variable in class rcs.utils.CorrectedPipedInputStream
debug_on. Variable in class rcs.utils.URL_and_FileLoader
decoding. Variable in class rcs.nml.NMLFormatConverterBase
True when the data from the network is being converted into a message in this hosts format, false when a message on this host is being converted to a neutral format.
disconnect(). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLConnection
Disconnect this object from the NML server.
DISPFormatConverter(). Constructor for class rcs.nml.DISPFormatConverter


echo_serial_number. Variable in class rcs.nml.RCS_STAT_MSG
Subordinates ussually set this to the serial_number of the command they are currently executing or just completed.
errlogMsgDict(). Constructor for class rcs.nml.errlogMsgDict


formatMsg(NMLFormatConverter). Method in class rcs.nml.errlogMsgDict
formatMsg(NMLFormatConverter). Method in interface rcs.nml.NMLMessageDictionary
This function should use NMLfc.type to select an object of the appropriate class, set NMLfc.msg_to_update to it, and call the objects update(NMLFormatConverter) function.


GetDataInputStream(). Method in class rcs.utils.URL_and_FileLoader
GetFormatConverter(). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLConnection
This functions gets the NMLFormatConverter for this connection.
GetMessageDictionary(). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLConnection
This functions gets the NMLMessageDictionary for this connection.


host. Variable in class rcs.nml.NMLConnection
name of the computer the NML server runs on.
HTTPhost. Variable in class rcs.utils.URL_and_FileLoader
HTTPport. Variable in class rcs.utils.URL_and_FileLoader


info_string. Static variable in class rcs.RCS_VERSION
String in which a brief message describing the library, it's version and compile date etc.
internal_exception. Variable in class rcs.nml.NMLException
If an exception was thrown by some function called from within NML such as a socket call, the exception will be caught and wrapped in an NMLException and then thrown.
interrupt_file_loading. Static variable in class rcs.utils.URL_and_FileLoader
interrupt_login. Static variable in class rcs.nml.NMLConnection
This variable can be set to true by some other thread to stop the login.
is_local. Variable in class rcs.utils.URL_and_FileLoader


line. Variable in class rcs.nml.RCS_STAT_MSG
Modules that use simple state tables ussually provide the last line matched in the state table here.
lines_read. Variable in class rcs.utils.URL_and_FileLoader
login(String, String). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLConnection
This function allows the application to gain access to NML servers with security enabled.


main(String[]). Static method in class rcs.utils.jcrypt
Main function called when the class is run as a standalone program.
main(String[]). Static method in class rcs.RCS_VERSION
Running this class as a stand-alone application displays the RCS Library version information and the Java System properties.
msg_to_update. Variable in class rcs.nml.NMLFormatConverter
Message being updated.
msg_type. Variable in class rcs.nml.NMLFormatConverter
The type of message being converted.


name. Variable in class rcs.utils.URL_and_FileLoader
NML_DISPLAY_TYPE. Static variable in class rcs.nml.errlogMsgDict
NML_ERROR_TYPE. Static variable in class rcs.nml.errlogMsgDict
NML_TEXT_TYPE. Static variable in class rcs.nml.errlogMsgDict
NMLConnection(). Constructor for class rcs.nml.NMLConnection
This constructs an NMLConnection which will not work until the host and port are set manually or by reading the NML configuration file with ReadNMLConfigurationFile().
NMLConnection(NMLMessageDictionary, String, String, String). Constructor for class rcs.nml.NMLConnection
This constuctor creates a fully functional NML Connection using the application defined NMLMessageDictionary, reads the NML configuration file, and connects immediately.
NMLException(String, String, String). Constructor for class rcs.nml.NMLException
NMLException(String, String, String, Exception). Constructor for class rcs.nml.NMLException
NMLFormatConverter(). Constructor for class rcs.nml.NMLFormatConverter
NMLFormatConverterBase(). Constructor for class rcs.nml.NMLFormatConverterBase
NMLmsg(int). Constructor for class rcs.nml.NMLmsg
This constructor is to be used by derived types.


peek(). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLConnection
Read an NMLmsg but do not change the was_read flag.
peekDataString(). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLConnection
Reads an NMLmsg using peek() and converts it to a String.
port. Variable in class rcs.nml.NMLConnection
TCP port of NML server.
print(). Static method in class rcs.RCS_VERSION
Function that prints the info_string to System.out
process_name. Variable in class rcs.nml.NMLConnection
Name of this process as used in configuration file.


RCS_CMD_MSG(int). Constructor for class rcs.nml.RCS_CMD_MSG
RCS_DONE. Static variable in class rcs.nml.RCS_STAT_MSG
Value for status if the module has completed the last command it was given.
RCS_ERROR. Static variable in class rcs.nml.RCS_STAT_MSG
Value for status if the module has encountered an error.
RCS_EXEC. Static variable in class rcs.nml.RCS_STAT_MSG
Value for status if the module is still executing the last command it was given.
RCS_STAT_MSG(int). Constructor for class rcs.nml.RCS_STAT_MSG
Derived classes should use this constructor by placing super(_type) in the first line of thier constructors.
RCS_VERSION(). Constructor for class rcs.RCS_VERSION
read(). Method in class rcs.utils.CorrectedPipedInputStream
read(). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLConnection
Read a NMLmsg.
read(byte[]). Method in class rcs.utils.CorrectedPipedInputStream
read(byte[], int, int). Method in class rcs.utils.CorrectedPipedInputStream
read_debug_on. Variable in class rcs.nml.NMLConnection
Set read_debug_on to true to print out additional information while reading.
readDataString(). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLConnection
Reads an NMLmsg and converts it to a String.
readLine(). Method in class rcs.utils.URL_and_FileLoader
ReadNMLConfigurationFile(). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLConnection
Read preset configuration file.
ReadNMLConfigurationFile(String, String, String). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLConnection
This function reads configuration information from the NML configuration file.
rewind(). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLFormatConverterBase
Function that should be called before every message or string is parsed.


SetFormatConverter(NMLFormatConverter). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLConnection
This functions sets the NMLFormatConverter for this connection.
SetMessageDictionary(NMLMessageDictionary). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLConnection
This functions sets the NMLMessageDictionary for this connection.
source_file. Variable in class rcs.nml.RCS_STAT_MSG
Modules that use simple state tables may provide the name of the source file of the state table that is currently being used here.
source_line. Variable in class rcs.nml.RCS_STAT_MSG
Modules that use simple state tables ussually provide the last line matched in the state table here.
state. Variable in class rcs.nml.RCS_STAT_MSG
Modules that use simple state tables ussually provide the current state here.
status. Variable in class rcs.nml.RCS_STAT_MSG
The status of the module is ussually set to either UNINITIALIZED_STATUS, RCS_DONE, RCS_EXEC, or RCS_ERROR, depending on whether the module is currently executing a command or has encountered an error.


toString(). Method in class rcs.RCS_VERSION
Function that returns the info_string.
type. Variable in class rcs.nml.NMLmsg
Unique Identifier for the type of message


UNINITIALIZED_STATUS. Static variable in class rcs.nml.RCS_STAT_MSG
Value for status if the module has not yet been initialized.
update(byte). Method in class rcs.nml.DISPFormatConverter
update(byte). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLFormatConverter
update(byte). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLFormatConverterBase
update(byte). Method in class rcs.nml.XDRFormatConverter
update(byte[], int). Method in class rcs.nml.DISPFormatConverter
update(byte[], int). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLFormatConverter
update(byte[], int). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLFormatConverterBase
update(byte[], int). Method in class rcs.nml.XDRFormatConverter
update(char). Method in class rcs.nml.DISPFormatConverter
update(char). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLFormatConverter
update(char). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLFormatConverterBase
update(char). Method in class rcs.nml.XDRFormatConverter
update(char[], int). Method in class rcs.nml.DISPFormatConverter
update(char[], int). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLFormatConverter
update(char[], int). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLFormatConverterBase
update(char[], int). Method in class rcs.nml.XDRFormatConverter
update(double). Method in class rcs.nml.DISPFormatConverter
update(double). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLFormatConverter
update(double). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLFormatConverterBase
update(double). Method in class rcs.nml.XDRFormatConverter
update(double[], int). Method in class rcs.nml.DISPFormatConverter
update(double[], int). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLFormatConverter
update(double[], int). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLFormatConverterBase
update(double[], int). Method in class rcs.nml.XDRFormatConverter
update(float). Method in class rcs.nml.DISPFormatConverter
update(float). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLFormatConverter
update(float). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLFormatConverterBase
update(float). Method in class rcs.nml.XDRFormatConverter
update(float[], int). Method in class rcs.nml.DISPFormatConverter
update(float[], int). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLFormatConverter
update(float[], int). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLFormatConverterBase
update(float[], int). Method in class rcs.nml.XDRFormatConverter
update(int). Method in class rcs.nml.DISPFormatConverter
update(int). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLFormatConverter
update(int). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLFormatConverterBase
update(int). Method in class rcs.nml.XDRFormatConverter
update(int[], int). Method in class rcs.nml.DISPFormatConverter
update(int[], int). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLFormatConverter
update(int[], int). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLFormatConverterBase
update(int[], int). Method in class rcs.nml.XDRFormatConverter
update(long). Method in class rcs.nml.DISPFormatConverter
update(long). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLFormatConverter
update(long). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLFormatConverterBase
update(long). Method in class rcs.nml.XDRFormatConverter
update(long[], int). Method in class rcs.nml.DISPFormatConverter
update(long[], int). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLFormatConverter
update(long[], int). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLFormatConverterBase
update(long[], int). Method in class rcs.nml.XDRFormatConverter
update(NMLFormatConverter). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLmsg
This function should be overloaded to provide a function that will convert this message to a nuetral format that can be used, by many different types of hosts.
update(NMLFormatConverter). Method in class rcs.nml.RCS_CMD_MSG
This function should be overloaded to provide a function that will convert this message to a nuetral format that can be used, by many different types of hosts.
update(NMLFormatConverter). Method in class rcs.nml.RCS_STAT_MSG
update function for the RCS_STAT_MSG members.
update(short). Method in class rcs.nml.DISPFormatConverter
update(short). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLFormatConverter
update(short). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLFormatConverterBase
update(short). Method in class rcs.nml.XDRFormatConverter
update(short[], int). Method in class rcs.nml.DISPFormatConverter
update(short[], int). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLFormatConverter
update(short[], int). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLFormatConverterBase
update(short[], int). Method in class rcs.nml.XDRFormatConverter
URL_and_FileLoader(String). Constructor for class rcs.utils.URL_and_FileLoader


version_string. Static variable in class rcs.RCS_VERSION
String in which the version number "2.15" is stored.


write(byte[]). Method in class rcs.utils.CorrectedPipedOutputStream
write(byte[], int, int). Method in class rcs.utils.CorrectedPipedOutputStream
write(int). Method in class rcs.utils.CorrectedPipedOutputStream
write(NMLmsg). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLConnection
Writes an NMLmsg.
write_debug_on. Variable in class rcs.nml.NMLConnection
Set write_debug_on to true to print out additional information while writing.
write_raw_data(). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLConnection
writeDataString(String). Method in class rcs.nml.NMLConnection
Convert a String to an NMLmsg and then write it to the buffer.


XDRFormatConverter(). Constructor for class rcs.nml.XDRFormatConverter