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Updated: 9/12/08

Complementary Therapies and Cancer Care: A Research Symposium 24-25 June 2004

In June 2004, the Complementary Cancer Care Charities Partnership (the Partnership), in association with the National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) hosted a research symposium focused on complementary therapies for cancer care. It was the first of its kind in the UK. The primary goal of this symposium was to inform the development of a rational and achievable agenda for complementary therapies and cancer care research in the UK. This was developed in collaboration with the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine, which provided limited funding support.

More that 140 people were invited to attend. Among attendees were researchers, oncologists, palliative care physicians, general practitioners, psychologists, health service researchers and policy makers, as well as users and consumers, the major cancer charities, information and service providers and major cancer research bodies and funders.

The symposium drew together experts from the conventional and complementary healthcare fields to provide delegates with an overview of the current situation of complementary therapies within cancer care. Delegates discussed new ways of integrating complementary therapies into the care of cancer patients, and examined the need for further information and research to help inform patients' decisions about their treatment. They also had the opportunity to hear the views of, and network with, leading international researchers and clinicians.

The overriding message expressed by participants was the necessity for collaboration and communication across many fields and disciplines. The concept which united all those who took part in the symposium was the belief that they all share the same goal of moving science and practice forward to benefit cancer patients and their families.

Download a copy of the report from Complementary Therapies and Cancer Care: A Research Symposium

A web cast of speakers' presentations can also be viewed by going to

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