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Office of Cancer Complimentary and Alternative Medicine

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Updated: 9/9/08

OCCAM's Research Development and Support Program (RDSP)

RDSP Overview
The RDSP was created to help investigators identify funding opportunities and provide assistance to applicants. The RDSP staff work to stimulate research in cancer CAM and design activities that will develop the foundation of the science in cancer CAM research. RDSP programs include a series of Expert Panels on Research Methodologies in Cancer, an Invited Speakers Series, and technical assistance to help investigators prepare grant applications in cancer CAM.

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OCCAM Expert Panel: Addressing Methodological Challenges

The first Expert Panel on research methodologies focused on the challenges of symptom management research. The panel of experts, which included researchers, physicians, and statisticians, from leading cancer research and treatment centers, reviewed and discussed the state of the science in cancer CAM symptom management. The one and a half day meeting held in November 2001, chaired by Wendy Smith, Ph.D., Director, OCCAM's Research Development and Support Program, and Kristine Nelson, M.D., a medical oncologist at The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, focused on topics such as the development of appropriate shams or controls for CAM interventions, development of tools and measurement issues, ethical issues, and potential statistical concerns.

The report from this panel: "Expert Panels in Cancer CAM Research: Developing the State of the Science in Research Methodologies. Expert Opinions on Methodology: Development of Cancer CAM Symptom Research" is now available electronically( Final Report from the Expert Panel on Symptom Research ) or in hard copy by contacting

Invited Speakers Series

OCCAM is devoted to bringing the latest cancer CAM research data to the NIH community to encourage intramural CAM cancer research and collaboration and to increase awareness among the extramural program staff. To further this mission, a seminar series, was initiated in January 2002.

Technical Assistance

Preparing grant applications in cancer CAM can be a challenge. Program staff are available to answer questions and help identify appropriate mechanisms and funding opportunities. Occasionally, Technical Assistance Workshops are sponsored. For additional information or workshop announcements, contact OCCAM at