National Cancer Institute
Office of Cancer Complimentary and Alternative Medicine

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Updated: 9/9/08

NCI's Cancer CAM Research Portfolio

To search for CAM research funded by the NCI, visit  Please select "Alternative Medicine/Direct" or "Alternative Medicicne/Indirect" from the SIC drop-down list.

In FY 2007, the NCI supported approximately $121,932,765 million dollars in CAM-related research. This represents over 400 projects in the form of grants, cooperative agreements, supplements or contracts.

CAM research is integrated through various program areas, of the Extramural Divisions and Intramural research programs:

Extramural Divisions

Division of Cancer Biology

Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences

Division of Cancer Prevention

Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis

Intramural Research Programs

Center for Cancer Research

Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics