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Office of the Director

  • Office of the Director
  • Office of Administrative Management
  • Office of Communications and Health Education
  • Office of Information Technology
  • Office of Science Policy and Analysis

    Office of the Director

    Director: Lawrence Tabak, DDS, Ph.D. (301) 496-3571
    Deputy Director: Isabel Garcia, DDS, MPH, (301) 496-9469
    Associate Director for Management, Mr. Thomas G. Murphy, (301) 496-6621
    Assistant to the Director: Norman Braveman, Ph.D. (301) 594-2089

    The Office of the Director is responsible for the overall scientific direction, policy development, program review, and administrative management of the Institute. Staff coordinates initiatives across the Institute, as well as with the advisory committees and government, public and private organizations. The Office of the Director serves to integrate research planning and budget development, research accomplishments and science transfer, program evaluation and internal quality controls, human resource management and training and career development programs, health education information development, communications and information dissemination, and policy development. This office also is responsible for providing the infrastructure to evaluate the progress made by the Institute's investigators and programs and to direct the Institute to address emerging health problems.

    The Director, Deputy, and Directors of the Office of Administrative Management, the Office of Communications and Health Education, and the Office of Science Policy and Analysis provide the leadership for these diverse and complementary activities. In doing so, they facilitate and depend upon close working relationships with NIH staff and with the leadership in other organizations in the United States and throughout the world. Staff continually evaluates ongoing programs, establishes priorities, and seizes opportunities to enhance the nation's oral health through research and related activities to promote oral, dental and craniofacial health.

    Office of Administrative Management

    Director, Mr. Thomas G. Murphy (301) 496-6621

    The Office of Administrative Management (OAM) provides leadership, direction, planning and coordination of NIDCR administrative management activities, including the areas of financial management, R&D acquisition management, management analysis, human resource-related activities, information technology, and general administration; advises the Director, Deputy Director, Division Directors, and other key officials on ethics, managerial and administrative matters affecting the planning and execution of NIDCR programs; interprets, analyzes, and implements legislation and/or Departmental and NIH directives affecting administrative policies, orders and new concepts affecting the overall mission of the NIDCR; ensures Institute compliance with all applicable administrative regulations; develops policies, guidelines, and procedures on matters relating to the administrative management activities of the Institute; and serves as the Institute focal point for the coordination, preparation, and analysis of a wide variety of programmatic reports and other documents associated with NIH, DHHS, and other Federal agencies.

    • Administrative Management Branch
      Chief, Mr. Thomas G.  Murphy (301) 496-6621

      The Administrative Management Branch provides overall administrative advice and support to the Office of the Director (OD), the Division of Extramural Research, and the Division of Epidemiology and Oral Disease Prevention; assists in planning and directing the OD's and the Divisions' administrative management activities including budget, personnel, management analysis, procurement, space management, travel, property management, office services, timekeeping, etc.; analyzes effects of changes in administrative policies and practices by organizational echelons above the NIDCR; advises OD and Division staff of administrative policies and practices; develops, implements and/or provides advice on the development and implementation of regulations, policies and procedures for the Institute; prepares staff papers and reports on general management issues in response to requirements from NIH and DHHS; coordinates, analyzes, and provides advice on all organizational change proposals for the Institute; and serves as the coordinating point in handling administrative and/or management issues/problems that cross NIDCR division lines and which cannot be resolved at division levels, including property accountability, records management, payroll liaison, international travel, sponsored travel, etc.

    • Financial Management Branch
      Chief, Mr. George Coy (301) 496-4768

      The Financial Management Branch (FMB) advises the Institute Director, Deputy Director, Executive Officer, and other senior staff in the financial management aspects of the planning, formulation execution, and evaluation of the Institute's programs; collaborates with program planning staff in the development and coordination of the Institute's divisions with the budget process; formulates and monitors the Institute's financial management program and establishes systems for effective control of funds; compiles and prepares the Institute budget; devises or oversees development of financial data systems that provide information for management decisions, while remaining compatible with the central NIH accounting systems; develops budget back-up material for Office of Management and Budget and Congressional appropriation hearings and assists in the briefing of witnesses in defense of the budget; and serves as the focal point for the monitoring and clearance of budgetary and fiscal data as the result of Congressional and public inquiries.

    Office of Communications and Health Education

    Director, Ms. Susan M. Johnson (301) 496-4261

    The Office of Communications and Health Education (OCHE) develops and implements the Institute's programs in public information, health education, and science transfer, which are aimed at the public, health professionals, and the research community. OCHE develops the Institute's communications plan; handles communications with the media, professional and patient organizations, and the public; manages the National Oral Health Information Clearinghouse; produces and disseminates publications, videotapes, exhibits, and other information materials; plans and implements health awareness campaigns; plans, develops, and implements science transfer projects; manages content for the NIDCR website; and coordinates liaison with patient and professional organizations.

    • Public Information and Liaison Branch
      Chief, Ms. Susan Johnson (301) 496-4261

      The Public Information and Liaison Branch (PILB) develops, coordinates, and implements a communications plan for the Institute; handles all media outreach and media relations activities with general and trade press; develops and disseminates education and information materials for Institute audiences, including patients and the general public, health care professionals, and researchers; manages a contract clearinghouse that serves as an information resource for special needs patients; responds to public inquiries; coordinates the Institute's liaison activities with health voluntary organizations; coordinates clearance of Institute information materials, including scientific publications by NIDCR staff; and coordinates Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act activities for the Institute.

    • Health Education Branch
      Chief, Ms. Karina Boehm (301) 594-7554

      The Health Education Branch (HEB) formally integrates education theories and methods into NIDCR's health communication programs. Activities include, for example, market research to better understand the needs and interests of priority audiences, testing of messages and materials, and evaluation of the Institute's health professional, patient, and public education efforts. Branch staff also advise and provide technical assistance to other NIDCR divisions and oral health advocates across the country.

    Office of Information Technology

    Acting Director, Mr. John Prue (301) 594-7552

    Office of Information Technology oversees and coordinates the Institute's information technology (IT) activities; develops strategic IT plans, ensuring Institute compliance with all applicable regulations, and ensures that IT is used effectively throughout the Institute; establishes and oversees the Institute's IT policies and guidelines and provides for appropriate security of IT systems; and provides leadership, focus and operational support within the Institute for implementation of IT policies and standards;  the management of IT projects;  development, operation and maintenance of state-of-the-art IT facilities and equipment;  Network infrastructure and operation; internet and intranet services; the development and maintenance of Institute-wide or program-specific databases and information systems; and the design and implementation of continuing professional development programs of computer literacy and competency for Institute staff.

    Office of Science Policy and Analysis

    Acting Director, Dr. Kathy Hayes (301) 496-7765

    The Office of Science Policy and Analysis (OSPA) develops and coordinates science policy and program planning and evaluation for the Institute, including research agenda development, science priority setting, strategic planning, policy research development and coordination, science policy briefings, and special planning efforts on specific research issues or initiatives; liaison with government, academic and private sector planning, evaluation, science policy, legislative, and survey agencies and organizations; develops, maintains and updates an Institute science and classification/ coding system, designs and prepares reports on NIDCR scientific programmatic and funding activities; and develops and coordinates program evaluation and assessment activities, as appropriate, and assessment of the content, significance, and effectiveness of NIDCR research, research training and information dissemination programs.

This page last updated: March 28, 2008