Data for Figure 2-5: Alaska Recreational Boating Accidents ,,, ,,, Year,Total,Fatal accidents,Fatalities 1995,0,0,0 1996,91,13,14 1997,90,19,23 1998,99,24,38 1999,77,21,26 2000,68,16,18 "NOTES FOR DATA ON THIS PAGE: An accident is listed under one category only, with fatal being the highest priority, followed by non-fatal injury, followed by property damage. For example, if two vessels are in an accident resulting in a fatality and a non-fatal injury, the accident is counted as a fatal accident involving two vessels.",,, "These data do not include: 1) accidents involving only slight injury not requiring medical treatment beyond first-aid; 2) accidents involving property damage of $500 or less; 3) accidents not caused or contributed to by a vessel, its equipment, or its appendages; and 4) accidents in which the boat was used solely as a platform for other activities, such as swimming or skin diving. Such cases are not included because the victims freely left the safety of a boat. However, the data do include accidents involving people in the water who are struck by their boat or another boat.",,, "SOURCE FOR DATA ON THIS PAGE: U.S. Department of Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, Boating Statistics, 2000, Washington, DC: 2001, available at as of Nov. 14, 2001.",,,