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LANL : Earth & Environmental Sciences : Geophysics Group (EES-11)

Research Highlights


Lee Karl Steck

Seismologist & Deputy Group Leader


Research Interests

  • Crustal Structure of Volcanic Environments
  • Growth and Modification of the Lithosphere
  • 3-D Wave Propagation in Heterogeneous Earth Structure
  • Non-linear Inversion Methods
  • Seismic Scattering
  • Seismic Array Analysis and Earthquake Triggering
  • Earthquake Location with Sparse Stations in China



  • 505-665-3528 - Phone
  • 505-667-8487 - FAX


Professional Service

  • Member, LANL/UNM Joint Volcanology Program
  • Associate Editor 1996-2001 , Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America.
  • Visiting Professor, University of New Mexico, Los Alamos, Spring 1996.


Professional Memberships

  • American Geophysical Union, member 1985-present.
  • Seismological Society of America, member 1986-present.
  • Los Alamos Seismic Research Center



  • Ph.D. Geology. Department of Geological Sciences, University of California, Santa Barbara, October, 1991.
  • M.S. Geophysics. Department of Geological Sciences, University of California, Santa Barbara, August, 1986.
  • B.A. Physics, with honors. Department of Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, June 1980


EES-11 Links



  • Steck, L. and W. A. Prothero, 1988. P-S converted wave observations in the Long Valley caldera, Geophys. Res. Lett., 15, 1433-1436.
  • Steck, L. and W. A. Prothero, 1989. Seismic calibration using the simplex algorithm, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., 79, 1618-1628.
  • Steck, L., W. A. Prothero, and J. Scheimer, 1989. Site dependent coda Q observations at Mono Craters, California, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., 79, 1559-1574.
  • Steck, L. and W. A. Prothero, 1991. A 3-D raytracer for teleseismic body-wave arrival times, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., 81, 1332-1339.
  • Steck, L. and W. A. Prothero, 1993. Observations of direct P-wave polarization anomalies for teleseisms recorded in Long Valley caldera, California, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., 83, 1391-1419.
  • Steck, L., and W. A. Prothero, 1994. Crustal Structure beneath Long Valley caldera from modeling of teleseismic P-wave polarizations and Ps converted phases, J. Geophys. Res., 99, 6881-6898.
  • Spudich, P, L. K. Steck, M. Hellweg, J.B. Fletcher, and L.M. Baker, 1994. Transient stresses at Parkfield, California, produced by the M 7.4 Landers earthquake of June 28, 1992: implications for the time-dependence of fault friction, Ann. Di. Geofisica., 37, 1807-1822.
  • Steck, L., 1995. Simulated annealing inversion of P-wave polarization anomalies for crustal structure beneath Long Valley caldera, Geophys. Res. Lett., 22, 497-500.
  • Lutter, W.J., P.M. Roberts, C.H. Thurber, L.K. Steck, M.C. Fehler, D.G. Stafford, W.S. Baldridge, and T.A. Zeichert, 1995, Teleseismic P-wave image of crust and upper mantle structure beneath Valles caldera, New Mexico: initail results from the 1993 JTEX passive array, Geophys. Res. Lett., 22, 505-508.
  • Spudich, P, L. K. Steck, M. Hellweg, J.B. Fletcher, and L.M. Baker, 1995. Transient stresses at Parkfield, California, produced by the M 7.4 Landers earthquake of June 28, 1992: observations from the UPSAR dense array, J. Geophys. Res., 100, 675-690.
  • Weiland, C., L.K. Steck, and P. Dawson, 1995. Crustal structure beneath Long Valley caldera from non-linear teleseismic travel time tomography using 3-D rays, J. Geophys. Res., 100, 20,379-20,390.
  • Nishimura, T., M. Fehler, W. S. Baldridge, P. Roberts, and L. Steck,1997. Heterogeneous structure around the Jemez volcanic field, New Mexico, USA, as inferred from envelope inversion of active experiment seismic data, Geophys. J. Int., 131, 667-681.
  • Steck, L.K., W.J. Lutter, M.C. Fehler, C.H. Thurber, P.M. Roberts, W.S. Baldridge, D.G. Stafford, and R. Sessions, 1998. Crust and upper mantle velocity structure beneath Valles caldera, New Mexico: results from the JTEX teleseismic experiment, J. Geophys. Res.,103, 24301-24320.
  • Phillips, W.S., H.E. Hartse and L.K. Steck, 2001. Precise relative location of 25 ton chemical explosions at Balapan using IMS stations, Pageoph, 158, 173-192.
  • Steck, L.K., A. A. Velasco, A. H. Cogbill, and H. J. Patton, 2001. Improving regional seismic event location in China, Pageoph, 158, 211-240.
  • Roberts, P. M., A. Sharma, V. Uddameri, M. Monagle, D. E. Dale, L.K. Steck, 2001. Enhanced DNAPL transport in a sand core during dynamic stress stimulation, Env. Eng. Sci., 18, 67-79.
  • Aprea, C. M, S. Hildebrand, M. Fehler, L. K. Steck, W.S. Baldridge, P. M. Roberts, C.H. Thurber, W.J. Lutter, 2003. 3-D Kirchoff migration: imaging of the Jemez volcanic field using teleseismic data, J. Geophys. Res.,107, B10, 2247, doi:10.1029/2000JB000097.
  • Phillips, W. S., C. A. Rowe, and L. K. Steck, 2005. The Use of Interstation Arrival Time Differences to Account for Regional Path Variability, Geophys. Res. Letts., 32, L11301, doi:10.1029/2005GL022558.


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