Table 3-17: Top 15 U.S. Containership Ports by Port Calls and Vessel Size: 1999,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,Total container-ship port calls,Port calls by capacity of vessel (TEUs),,,,,Maximum channel depth (ft)1, Port,,"<2,000","2,001 - 3,000","3,001 - 4,000","4,001 - 5,000",">5,000",, New York ports in top 15,,,,,,,, New York,"1,983",465,710,575,227,6,45, U.S. ports total,"14,686","5,127","4,190","3,126","1,685",558,NA, "New York, NY","1,983",465,710,575,227,6,45, "Charleston, SC","1,458",352,566,298,236,6,42, "Long Beach, CA","1,256",307,246,357,168,178,60, "Los Angeles, CA","1,207",429,208,220,294,56,81, "Oakland, CA","1,110",123,291,405,183,108,42, "Norfolk, VA","1,105",155,411,394,139,6,50, "Miami, FL",745,347,244,154,0,0,42, "Seattle, WA",638,157,180,175,57,69,40, "Houston, TX",623,346,169,58,50,0,40, "Savannah, GA",590,144,156,264,26,0,42 "New Orleans, LA",434,297,119,18,0,0,45 "Port Everglades, FL",412,297,63,0,52,0,42 "Baltimore, MD",396,192,123,30,51,0,50 "Tacoma, WA",376,33,105,83,30,125,50 "San Juan, PR",337,307,30,0,0,0,36 All other ports,"2,016","1,176",569,95,172,4,NA Top 15 as % of U.S. total,86%,77%,86%,97%,90%,99%,NA Top New York port as % of U.S. total,14%,9%,17%,18%,14%,1%,NA ,,,,,,, 1Channel depth for federally maintained channels at mean low water (MLW).,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, KEY: ft = feet; TEUs = twenty-foot equivalent units; NA = not applicable.,,,,,,, SOURCES:,,,,,,, "Port calls by vessel size: U.S. Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration, U.S. Vessel Movements, 1999, available at http://www.marad. as of Nov. 5, 2001.",,,,,,, "Maximum channel depth: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, The National Dredging Needs Study of Ports and Harbors, draft, May 2000, table 3-6.",,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,