Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 1-1: Michigan Public Road Length, Miles by Functional System

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  1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Total rural and urban 117,611 117,620 119,183 121,482 121,722 121,979
Rural 89,528 89,478 89,549 91,745 91,790 91,972
Interstate 740 740 740 741 741 741
Other principal arterial 2,753 2,755 2,755 2,762 2,762 2,765
Minor arterial 3,999 4,024 4,026 4,082 4,072 4,112
Major arterial 17,026 16,985 17,024 16,988 16,994 16,963
Minor collector 6,315 6,314 6,233 6,229 6,194 6,202
Local 58,695 58,660 58,771 60,943 61,027 61,189
Urban 28,083 28,142 29,634 29,737 29,932 30,007
Interstate 500 499 500 500 500 500
Other freeways and expressways 218 221 221 223 224 224
Other principal arterial 1,973 1,974 1,977 1,976 1,973 1,975
Minor arterial 3,425 3,435 3,402 3,406 3,413 3,415
Collector 2,506 2,522 2,533 2,544 2,549 2,545
Local 19,461 19,491 21,001 21,088 21,273 21,348

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics, Washington, DC: annual editions, table HM-20, available at http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/ohim/hs00/hm20.htm as of Feb. 1, 2002.