Table 3-2: Domestic Shipments from Tennessee by State: 1997,,,,,,, (Descending order by weight),,,,,,, State of destination,Rank,"Value ($ millions)",Weight (thousand short tons),State of destination,Rank,"Value ($ millions)",Weight (thousand short tons) Tennessee,1," 47,298 "," 135,281 ",West Virginia,27, 668 , 376 Alabama,2," 5,211 "," 8,763 ",Massachusetts,28," 1,346 ", 333 Georgia,3," 9,871 "," 8,480 ",Iowa,29," 1,012 ", 329 Arkansas,4," 3,213 "," 6,353 ",Arizona ,30, 999 , 247 Mississippi,5," 3,976 "," 5,327 ",Connecticut,31, 467 , 190 Kentucky,6," 6,576 "," 5,095 ",Oregon,32, 534 , 146 North Carolina,7," 5,043 "," 3,329 ",Nebraska,33, 356 , 144 Texas,8," 7,986 "," 2,961 ",Utah,34, 416 , 117 Louisiana,9," 2,194 "," 2,939 ",Maine,35, 282 , 79 Ohio,10, S ," 2,867 ",Nevada,35, 453 , 79 Virginia ,11," 4,664 "," 2,666 ",New Hampshire,37, 263 , 55 South Carolina,12," 3,813 "," 2,591 ",North Dakota,38, 217 , 53 Illinois,13," 5,221 "," 2,504 ",Rhode Island,39, 195 , 46 Florida,14," 4,051 "," 1,984 ",South Dakota,40, 132 , 31 Michigan,15," 5,194 "," 1,844 ",New Mexico,41, 139 , 28 Pennsylvania,16," 4,331 "," 1,732 ",Montana,42, 106 , 18 California ,17," 8,482 "," 1,622 ",Idaho,43, 93 , 17 Indiana,18," 3,169 "," 1,585 ",Wyoming,44, 28 , 5 Missouri,19," 2,848 "," 1,348 ",Alaska,45, 29 , 2 New Jersey,20," 3,114 "," 1,216 ",Delaware,46, 177 , S New York,21," 2,843 ", 836 ,District of Columbia,46, 118 , S Wisconsin,22," 1,674 ", 552 ,Hawaii,46, 61 , S Washington,23," 1,095 ", 495 ,Minnesota,46," 1,152 ", S Kansas,24, 788 , 488 ,Oklahoma,46," 1,125 ", S Maryland,25," 1,088 ", 432 ,Vermont,46, 68 , S Colorado ,26, 892 , 400 ,To all states,," 165,771 "," 208,604 " KEY: S = data do not meet publication standards because of high sampling variability or other reasons. ,,,,,,, "NOTES: The Commodity Flow Survey covers business establishments in mining, manufacturing, wholesale trade, and selected retail industries. The survey also covers selected auxiliary establishments (e.g., warehouses) of in-scope multiunit and retail companies. The survey excludes establishments classified as farms, forestry, fisheries, governments, construction, transportation, foreign establishments, services, and most establishments in retail. Due to industry-wide reporting problems, shipments by oil and gas extraction establishments are also excluded. ""To all states"" total includes all domestic shipments from the state of origin, including intrastate shipments. ",,,,,,, "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics and U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Commodity Flow Survey, Washington, DC: 1999, available at as of Nov. 2, 2001.",,,,,,, , , ,