Photographs from the Records of the National Woman's Party

Brief Timeline of the National Woman's Party


 For more information on these and other NWP-related events, including links to additional images, see the Detailed Chronology (PDF).*


Feb. 17 - First conference of Inter-American Commission of Women held in Havana, Cuba. Alice Paul proposes international adoption of Equal Nationality Treaty, which she drafted.


Mar. 23 - House Judiciary Committee holds hearings on ERA.


Feb. 12 - Funeral services for Alva Belmont in New York City, following her death in Paris on Jan. 26.

View of a church as a funeral procession approaches.
descriptive record icon enlarge image icon  Funeral services for Alva Belmont, St. Thomas Church, New York. February 12, 1933.

July 8 - Memorial service for Alva Belmont at Washington Monument.


May 24 - After years of NWP lobbying, Dickstein-Copeland bill signed into law, extending coverage of 1922 Cable Act and establishing equal nationality laws.

May 25 - Equal Nationality Treaty, drafted by Alice Paul, signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Nov. - Biennial NWP convention in New York reflects growing intra-party conflict.


July 26 - NWP plays role in repeal of Section 213, Legislative Appropriations Act of 1932 (Economy Act), prohibiting federal employees from working for the government if spouses also federal employees.



May - Fair Labor Standards Act passed–major legislative victory for NWP.

Oct. 9 - World Woman’s Party (WWP), headquartered in Geneva, formed at NWP convention in Detroit.

Nov. 19-20 - WWP officially incorporated, with NWP as American branch.

A woman holding a sheet of stamps.
descriptive record icon enlarge image icon  Actress Mary Pickford, a strong supporter of women's rights, buys the first sheet of equal rights seals. Louise Pote. November 1938.


Successful NWP campaign to include Title VII within Civil Rights Act


Oct. 12 - House of Representatives approves ERA.


Mar. 22 - Senate approves ERA. Ratification process begins; 20 states ratify before year’s end.


Eleven more states ratify ERA; two states rescind earlier ratification.


July 9 - Alice Paul dies in Moorestown, New Jersey, believing ERA ratification imminent.


June 30 - Time expires before ERA ratification completed—falls short by three states.


NWP becomes non-profit, nonpolitical, educational organization.

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