Photographs from the Records of the National Woman's Party

Brief Timeline of the National Woman's Party


 For more information on these and other NWP-related events, including links to additional images, see the Detailed Chronology (PDF).*


Feb. - Last issue of The Suffragist published.

Feb. 15 - Dedication of Adelaide Johnson’s suffrage sculpture, Portrait Monument to Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Susan B. Anthony, in U.S. Capitol.

Three women standing near a sculpture of three women.
descriptive record icon enlarge image icon  Adelaide Johnson (left), Dora Lewis, and Jane Addams at the dedication of Johnson’s suffrage sculpture Portrait Monument to Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Susan B. Anthony in the U.S. Capitol. National Photo Co. February 15, 1921.

Feb. 15-19 - NWP convention in Washington, D.C., discusses future course for organization. NWP undertakes new campaign to improve women’s legal, social, and economic status in United States and world.

Apr. 16 - President Warren G. Harding meets with NWP members regarding equal rights bill.


Feb. 27 - U.S. Supreme Court upholds validity of 19th Amendment.

Sept. 22 - After intense lobbying by NWP, Congress passes Cable Act, preventing American women from losing their citizenship after marrying aliens.


Feb. 17 - First issue of Equal Rights published.

July 20 - At Seneca Falls, New York, NWP celebrates 75th anniversary of first equal rights convention with pageant and pilgrimage to Susan B. Anthony’s grave in Rochester. At general conference, Alice Paul presents draft equal rights amendment for delegates’ approval.

Woman in Greek costume holding scales.
descriptive record icon enlarge image icon  [Detail] Florence Hanlin as “Justice” in the dance drama presented as part of the 75th anniversary celebration of the Seneca Falls Convention. Bullock Studio. July 20, 1923.

Sept. 23 - Second pageant celebrating 75th anniversary of 1848 Seneca Falls meeting held at Garden of Gods in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Dec. - Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), drafted by Alice Paul, introduced in Congress.



June - NWP members lobby for ERA at Republican and Democratic national conventions. Both parties reject motions to insert ERA plank in their platforms.

Sept. - Women For Congress campaign launched.

View of women on a sailboat, and two women on shore.
descriptive record icon enlarge image icon  [Detail] Members of the first students’ “Women for Congress” Conference launch their campaign by flying the NWP colors on a private yacht at Westport-on-Lake Champlain, New York. August 1924.


Feb. 4 - NWP participates in first hearings on ERA before House Judiciary Committee.

June - Alice Paul organizes International Advisory Committee of NWP.

Oct. - Inter-Parliamentary Union of Women meets in Washington, D.C., for conference organized by NWP to discuss international aspects of feminism.


Feb. - NWP revives Women For Congress campaign.

A group of women around an automobile.
descriptive record icon enlarge image icon  Colorado members of the NWP in front of the Broadmoor Hotel, Colorado Springs, during the coast-to-coast Women for Congress campaign. H. L. Standley. April 1926.

May 11-12 - Women For Congress conference held in Baltimore.

A group of women gathered on a dock.
descriptive record icon enlarge image icon  NWP delegation on deck of ship en route to Paris to seek admission into International Woman's Suffrage Alliance. Underwood & Underwood. May 1926.

June 5 - NWP denied membership in International Woman Suffrage Alliance.


Feb. 15 - NWP deputation meets with President Coolidge.


Feb. 18 - NWP assists in establishment of Inter-American Commission of Women (IACW) at Sixth Pan-American Congress in Havana, Cuba.

June - At both Republican National Convention in Kansas City and Democratic National Convention in Houston, NWP officers lobby unsuccessfully for ERA planks on platforms.

Sept. - IACW representatives in Paris rebuffed in attempt to present equal rights treaty to international delegates assembled to sign Kellogg-Briand Pact. American and British feminists picket conference; arrests and imprisonment generate worldwide publicity.


Feb. 1 - NWP members testify at congressional hearings on ERA.

Apr. 19 - Puerto Rican women granted suffrage subject to literacy testing.

June - At Open Door Council meeting in Berlin, NWP members assist in drafting both Charter of Economic Rights for Working Women and Open Door Manifesto.

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