Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 4-12: Overseas Visitors to the United States: Top 20 Destination Cities1

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  1995 2000
Rank Visitors (thousands) Share of U.S. total Rank Visitors (thousands) Share of U.S. total
Texas cities in top 20            
Dallas/Fort Worth 21 310 1.5 14 494 1.9
Houston 16 433 2.1 18 442 1.7
Top 20 cities            
New York City, NY 1 4,254 20.6 1 5,714 22.0
Los Angeles, CA 2 3,323 16.1 2 3,533 13.6
Orlando, FL 4 2,621 12.7 3 3,013 11.6
Miami, FL 3 2,951 14.3 4 2,935 11.3
San Francisco, CA 5 2,539 12.3 5 2,831 10.9
Las Vegas, NV 7 1,754 8.5 6 2,260 8.7
Oahu/Honolulu, HI 6 2,373 11.5 7 2,234 8.6
Washington, DC (metro) 8 1,589 7.7 8 1,481 5.7
Chicago, IL 9 1,053 5.1 9 1,351 5.2
Boston, MA 10 970 4.7 10 1,325 5.1
San Diego, CA 11 722 3.5 11 701 2.7
Atlanta, GA 14 495 2.4 11 701 2.7
Tampa/St. Petersburg, FL 13 516 2.5 13 519 2.0
San Jose, CA 22 289 1.4 14 494 1.9
Anaheim, CA 14 495 2.4 14 494 1.9
Dallas/Fort Worth, TX 21 310 1.5 14 494 1.9
Fort Lauderdale, FL 17 413 2.0 17 468 1.8
Houston, TX 16 433 2.1 18 442 1.7
Maui, HI U U U 18 442 1.7
Seattle, WA 12 537 2.6 20 416 1.6
United States, total   20,639     25,975  

1 International travelers to the United States from Canada and Mexico are not included.

KEY: U = data are unavailable.

NOTE: A visitor may visit more than one city. "Share of U.S. total" represents the percent of visitors visiting the city. These columns, therefore, do not sum to 100.

SOURCES: U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration, Office of Tourism Industries, Overseas Visitors to Select U.S. Cities/Hawaiian Islands 2000-1999 (Ranked by 2000 Market Share), Washington, DC: 2001, available at http://tinet.ita.doc.gov/ as of Oct. 19, 2001; U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration, Office of Tourism Industries, Overseas Visitors to Select U.S. Cities/Hawaiian Islands 2000-1999 (Ranked by 2000 Market Share), Washington, DC: 2001, available at http://tinet.ita.doc.gov/ as of Nov. 13, 2001.