Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 1-10: Civil and Joint-Use Airports, Heliports, STOLports, and Seaplane Bases in Texas: 20021

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Ownership and usage Airports Heliports STOLports Seaplane bases Total
Publicly owned 295 65 0 0 360
Open to public 285 3 0 0 288
Closed to public 10 62 0 0 72
Privately owned 1,073 364 8 0 1,445
Open to public 97 2 0 0 99
Closed to public 976 362 8 0 1,346
Total 1,368 429 8 0 1,805

1Data are current as of Jan. 31, 2002.

KEY: STOLport = Short take-off and landing airport.

NOTE: Publicly owned facilities are open for public use with no prior authorization or permission. Publicly owned facilities closed to the public include medical, law enforcement, and other such facilities.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Office of Airports, Airport Safety Data Branch.