Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 1-6: Texas Road Condition by Functional System -- Urban


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  1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Interstate (total reported) 752 1,028 1,026 1,018 1,021 1,021
Very good 528 297 84 30 39 39
Good 99 464 466 346 400 403
Fair 25 199 288 309 308 308
Mediocre 54 64 182 313 254 255
Poor 46 4 6 20 20 16
Not reported 279 2 0 0 0 0
Other freeways and expressways (total reported) 924 1,190 1,179 1,224 1,200 1,109
Very good 606 373 161 52 40 42
Good 81 483 380 297 349 351
Fair 46 177 332 378 345 333
Mediocre 78 136 295 469 430 323
Poor 113 21 11 28 36 60
Not reported 316 48 0 0 1 92
Other principal arterial (total reported) 3,849 4,734 5,026 4,911 4,913 4,244
Very good 2,422 1,868 1,332 149 62 69
Good 482 1,392 1,371 855 770 689
Fair 168 537 798 830 958 937
Mediocre 382 701 1,154 1,337 1,212 1,354
Poor 395 236 371 1,740 1,911 1,195
Not reported 1,114 176 0 0 12 696
Urban minor arterial (total reported) N N N N N 2,870
Very good N N N N N 7
Good N N N N N 339
Fair N N N N N 1,892
Mediocre N N N N N 450
Poor N N N N N 182
Not reported N N N N N 0
Urban collector (total reported) N N N N N 1,343
Very good N N N N N 0
Good N N N N N 98
Fair N N N N N 611
Mediocre N N N N N 338
Poor N N N N N 296
Not reported N N N N N 0

KEY: N = data do not exist.

NOTE: In 2000, the Federal Highway Administration began reporting road condition for urban minor arterials and urban collectors using the International Roughness Index, if available. In prior years, data were only available using the Present Serviceability Rating.

NOTE FOR DATA ON THIS PAGE: Road condition is based on measured pavement roughness using the International Roughness Index (IRI). IRI is a measure of surface condition. A comprehensive measure of pavement condition would require data on other pavement distresses such as rutting, cracking, and faulting.

SOURCE FOR DATA ON THIS PAGE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics, Washington, DC: annual editions, tables HM-63 and HM-64, available at http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/ as of Feb. 1, 2002.