Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 1-2: Public Roads in Texas by Ownership: 2000

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  National Highway System Other federal-aid highway Nonfederal- aid highway Total
Total 13,435 64,613 222,985 301,033
State highway agency 12,673 51,702 14,886 79,261
County 93 2,180 140,193 142,466
Town, township, municipal 556 10,694 67,437 78,687
Other jurisdiction1 113 24 Z 137
Federal agency2 Z 13 469 482

1 Includes state park, state toll, other state agency, other local agency, and roadways not identified by ownership.

2 Roadways in federal parks, forests, and reservations that are not part of the state and local highway systems.

KEY: Z = zero or less than 1 unit of measure.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics, Washington, DC: annual editions, table HM-14, available at http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/ohim/hs00/hm14.htm as of Feb. 1, 2002.