Table 3-1: Domestic Shipments to New Mexico by State: 1997,,,,,,, (Descending order by weight),,,,,,, State of origin,Rank,"Value ($ millions)",Weight (thousand short tons),State of origin,Rank,"Value ($ millions)",Weight (thousand short tons) New Mexico,1," 7,352 "," 34,453 ",Iowa,26, 127 , 18 Texas,2," 6,039 "," 5,107 ",Idaho,28, S , 16 Arizona ,3," 1,720 "," 1,242 ",Virginia ,29, 101 , 11 Colorado ,4, 909 , 937 ,Florida,30, 182 , 8 California ,5," 2,563 ", 471 ,Connecticut,31, 58 , 4 Kansas,6, 172 , 452 ,Massachusetts,31, 106 , 4 Oklahoma,7, 352 , 200 ,Rhode Island,33, 16 , 1 Illinois,8, 301 , 122 ,Alaska,34, S , S Indiana,9, 295 , 108 ,Delaware,34, S , S Wyoming,10, 30 , 75 ,District of Columbia,34, S , S Washington,11, 220 , 71 ,Hawaii,34, S , S Arkansas,12, 90 , 57 ,Louisiana,34, 154 , S Minnesota,12, 470 , 57 ,Maine,34, 15 , S Oregon,14, 180 , 56 ,Maryland,34, S , S Michigan,15, 551 , 52 ,Missouri,34, 338 , S Nebraska,16, 199 , 49 ,Montana,34, 34 , S Nevada,16, 133 , 49 ,New Hampshire,34, 26 , S Mississippi,18, 81 , 48 ,New Jersey,34, S , S Tennessee,19, 139 , 28 ,North Dakota,34, S , S Kentucky,20, 210 , 27 ,Ohio,34, 579 , S Georgia,21, 196 , 25 ,South Carolina,34, S , S North Carolina,22, 170 , 23 ,Utah,34, 367 , S New York,23, 209 , 21 ,Vermont,34, 15 , S Pennsylvania,23, 321 , 21 ,West Virginia,34, S , S South Dakota,23, S , 21 ,Wisconsin,34, 219 , S Alabama,26, 63 , 18 ,From all states,," 26,595 "," 44,910 " KEY: S = data do not meet publication standards because of high sampling variability or other reasons.,,,,,,, "NOTES: The Commodity Flow Survey covers business establishments in mining, manufacturing, wholesale trade, and selected retail industries. The survey also covers selected auxiliary establishments (e.g., warehouses) of in-scope multiunit and retail companies. The survey excludes establishments classified as farms, forestry, fisheries, governments, construction, transportation, foreign establishments, services, and most establishments in retail. Due to industry-wide reporting problems, shipments by oil and gas extraction establishments are also excluded. ""From all states"" total includes all domestic shipments to the destination state, including intrastate shipments.",,,,,,, "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics and U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Commodity Flow Survey, Washington, DC: 1999, available at cfs/cfs97od.html as of Nov. 2, 2001.",,,,,,, ,,, ,,, ,,,