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The Coordinated Federal Lands Highway Technology Implementation Program

The Coordinated Federal Lands Highway Technology Implementation Program (CTIP) is a cooperative technology deployment and sharing program between the FHWA Federal Lands Highway office and the Federal land management agencies. It provides a forum for identifying, studying, documenting, and transferring new technology to the transportation community.

Funding Innovative Technology for the Future

CTIP Projects

This brochure outlines the process for obtaining CTIP funds for technology projects.

Download a PDF file of this brochure: ctip.pdf (38KB)

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Study Results

Many new innovative technologies have been funded through the CTIP program. These technologies include a variety of concentration areas such as pavement, bridges, and low volume roads. Examples of CTIP projects include the following:

  • Fish Passage Through Culverts
  • Aesthetic Treatment Photo Album
  • Water/Road Interaction Technology Series


A Council composed of representatives from the Federal Lands Highway office and its associated Federal agencies directs the CTIP deployment and transfer activities. The council provides policy guidance, approves problem statements and proposals, and ensures the effective management of the program.

The Council's voting members are management officials representing the following agencies:

  • The Forest Service
  • The Bureau of Indian Affairs
  • The National Park Service
  • FHWA Federal Lands Highway
  • Fish & Wildlife Service

Agencies encouraged to participate in the Council as non-voting members include:

  • The Military Traffic Management Command
  • The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
  • The Bureau of Land Management


CTIP funds are normally used for technology projects related to transportation networks on Federal public lands. Projects related to the transportation infrastructure, transit, safety, public use, and natural environments will be considered. Research projects are not eligible.


The CTIP program is funded through the participation of several agencies including the Forest Service, the National Park Service, the Bureau of Indians Affairs, and the Fish and Wildlife Service. CTIP is funded in an amount not to exceed 1/2 of 1 percent of the yearly-authorized appropriation for each FLH Program category (Park Roads, Forest Highways, Indian Reservation Roads, Refuge Roads). Information For more information on proposal requirements, copies of completed studies, or the status of active studies, contact your agency CTIP Council member.

Publication No. FHWA-FLH-01-002


For more information on the CTIP program contact Ms. Monica Gourdine
at (202) 366-9494 or email to



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